Fans Think Kevin Bacon's Surprise Flashmob on 'Today' Show Was 'Epic'

Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon is proving that good films never lose their impact—no matter how long it's been since they were released.

The star of iconic film Footloose, which came out four decades ago in 1984, recently helped orchestrate a big surprise for the Today show hosts, after appearing via video with a special message in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the dance movie.

"If I had one piece of advice for everybody, I would say, 'Let's dance!'" the 65-year-old emphatically said, before the camera cut back to the live recording of the show, which found cohost Carson Daly opening up the gate for a large group of dancers.

"You heard Kevin Bacon—let's dance, everybody!" Daly exclaimed.

Related: Fans Go Crazy for Kevin Bacon's Throwback 'Footloose' Photo

As "Footloose" by Kenny Loggins began to play, a colorfully-clad crew swarmed the space, breaking out into a rhythmic sequence from the film.

Cohosts Hoda Kotb, Dylan Dreyer, Sheinelle Jones, and Craig Melvin can be seen nearby, totally surprised by the flashmob, yet fully enjoying the musical presentation. During the performance, they all bopped along as they, in addition to the surrounding audience, willfully took part in the joyful display as onlookers.

Following the show on Friday, Feb. 16, a clip was shared via Instagram of the wholesome surprise, alongside the caption, "The pure shock on @hodakotb’s face. ???? It was a dance party on our plaza this morning, as our anchors got a surprise message from #KevinBacon and a fun flash mob to celebrate the 40th anniversary of #Footloose!"

Fans and viewers hopped into the comment section of the post to express their reactions to the giddy TV moment.

"Epic classic, the only thing thats [sic] changed is the styles and the devices the music is played on," one noticed, while another said, "What a great way to kick off a Friday ??."

"Love!!!!! ???? Kevin is still just as hot as eva [sic]!!" a third insisted.

Someone else, who was seemingly in attendance, chimed in with their own personal experience: "Loved this!! Saw it live and thought it was just a bunch of lucky bystanders who got to dance on the plaza…then they broke into their routine!! Makes me love that song more!"

"Pure joy also on their faces!" an additional commenter exclaimed, while several more loved that the flashmob was just "so fun."

Last month, the beloved actor and his wife Kyra Sedgwick made a major announcement, revealing that they will be starring together in a new film for the first time in two decades.

Next: Kevin Bacon Pulls Out Cowboy Boots to Dance ‘Footloose’ Routine in Celebration