Fans Say Travis Kelce Deserves an Oscar for His New Subway Commercial

Travis Kelce

Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs teamed up with Subway for a new commercial, and while the quarterback had the most screen time, fans seem to think that Kelce stole the show with his performance.

Kelce shared the fun commercial on social media, writing, "The new footlong cookie from @subway hits every time #subwaypartner." In the clip, Mahomes introduces fans to one of the food chain's new Sidekicks, which are footlong snacks in the form of cookies, churros, or pretzels.

He then says, "This might be my favorite sidekick ever."

The camera cuts to Kelce staring at Mahomes with an upset expression on his face before he throws a football on the ground and walks away. As Mahomes' ultimate sidekick on and off the field, Kelce seems unimpressed with the idea that he's been replaced by a cookie.

One fan couldn't help but highlight how great Kelce's short but impactful performance was, writing, "Travis you deserve an Oscar for this performance," and considering the number of likes on the comment, many seem to agree.

There were also quite a few other comments from people endorsing an Academy Award for the football player.

"?? trav’s facial expression is perfect," wrote a different fan, while a third said, "u ate him up with one look."

Another person compared the video to hit commercials of the past, complimenting the duo by saying, "This reminds me of early 2000s commercials back when they were actually funny lmao," as someone else attempted to predict Kelce's future, proclaiming, "Travis will be in all the best future comedy movies I swear to gawd [sic]! ????."

While it's too early to tell what Kelce will do whenever he retires from football, he has shown a lot of acting potential, and it seems like fans would fully support Kelce's acting career if he gave it a try!

Next: What Travis Kelce Plans to Do When He Retires From the NFL