How far is Grand Canyon from Phoenix? It depends on your route. Here are 4 ways to go

Are you planning to drive from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon? You've got choices.

There are three ways to get to the South Rim and one way to get to the North Rim, with varying drive times and things to see and do along the way.

Depending on your route, you could explore the Route 66 town of Williams, enjoy the forest and mountain scenery north of Flagstaff or drive through the stark beauty of the Navajo Nation with the Painted Desert in the distance.

These tips will help you decide which route to take. Keep in mind that drive times are estimated based on good conditions and don't include traffic slowdowns, which are common on Interstate 17, inclement weather and stops for food or gas.

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Driving from Phoenix to Grand Canyon South Rim

The South Rim is the closest part of Grand Canyon to Phoenix and there are three ways to drive there. These drive times are estimated and can be affected by heavy traffic and bad weather.

1. Via Williams. From Phoenix, take Interstate 17 north to Flagstaff, then take Interstate 40 west to Williams. At Exit 164, go north on State Route 64 to the park entrance a mile north of the tiny town of Tusayan, which is the closest town to the South Rim. It's about 230 miles and a 3-hour, 40-minute drive.

2. Via Flagstaff. Take I-17 north to Flagstaff. Continue straight through town to the turnoff for U.S. 180. Turn left on U.S. 180 and drive northwest to Valle, then turn right and drive north on SR 64 to the park entrance. It's about 230 miles and a four-hour drive.

3. Via Cameron. Take I-17 north to Flagstaff. Go east on I-40, get off at Exit 201 and go north on U.S. 89 to Cameron, on the Navajo Reservation. At the roundabout, head west on SR 64 to the park's eastern entrance at Desert View. It's another 26 miles on the winding park road to Grand Canyon Village, where the hotels, restaurants and shops are. This route is about 230 miles and a little over 4 hours of driving.

Wondering what are the best things to do once you get there? Here's a guide to seven easy hikes on the North and South rims.

So what's the best driving route to see the Grand Canyon?

If you like highway driving, take the Williams route.

If you like forest scenery, take the Flagstaff route. Note that U.S. 180 can be icy in winter.

If you like desert scenery and Native American culture, take the Cameron route. It passes through the Navajo Reservation.

Driving from Phoenix to Grand Canyon North Rim

If your destination is the North Rim, you have just one option from Phoenix.

Take I-17 north to Flagstaff. Go east on I-40, get off at Exit 201 and go north on U.S. 89 to Bitter Springs. There, go left on U.S. 89A to Jacob Lake, then follow State Route 67 south to the North Rim. It's about 350 miles and a seven-hour drive from Phoenix.

Lodging inside the park at the North Rim is limited. Here's how to make reservations and find out what services and amenities are open this summer.

And know that the season for Grand Canyon's North Rim is short: Lodging and other services are only available from mid-May through mid-October, and SR 67 closes in winter, usually around mid-November.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: How to drive from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon: 4 scenic routes