Your First Tarot Card Reading of July Is Here

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!
The Nine of Wands is a hugely popular card in Tarot Land because while it acknowledges we’ve all got issues and obstacles (I guess that’s life), it also tells us that we're more than capable of overcoming everything (and everyone) in our way. The Nine of Wands tells us to face our demons head-on and address whatever is blocking us. We can handle it. We are unstoppable. Say your mantra, clutch your crystals, and take a deep breath. You got this!
You enjoy teamwork, especially when you’re the boss. So, I'm sorry to report that this week, you’re going to be playing alone. The Queen of Swords puts your solo projects and ambitions front and center. Most of this work is mental and intellectual, rather than physical. Strategize and make some smart moves, because real, lasting progress can be made right now.
Daydreaming is all very well, but if you spend all your time with your head in the clouds, you won’t get much done. Your ideas are wonderful, Taurus. Your ruling planet Venus blesses you with a vivid imagination, especially for pleasure and luxury. The Seven of Cups asks you to get your wildest dreams down on paper and start working on making them real. If you can dream it, you can do it, bb.
You’re such a spontaneous person that long-term plans don’t often exist for you. You like to live on the edge! Well, Gemmy, better get your post-its out because this week it’s planning time. The Nine of Coins asks you to think about the next 5-10 years (wow), and what you might need to start doing to make your vague plans come to fruition. Be the early bird!
The Empress is about love, passion, sex, nature, children, creativity, pregnancy (!) and all the magical ~free~ things in life. She visits you this week to ask you to refocus on whichever of these themes are most relevant to you. Family, friends, lovers, at-home spa days, and anything/everything creative should be on your Google Cal this week. The best things in your life are free, Cancer.
You can be a bit jealous, Leo. Usually you're self-aware enough to know that it’s a trait you need to manage—or else you use it to power your ambition. However, the shoe is on the other foot this week. The Seven of Swords asks you to be aware that not everyone around you has your best interests at heart. Play it safe and be extra cautious this week. If in doubt, DON’T. You’ll move past this jealous person quickly as long as you don’t give them anything to use against you.
The cosmos blesses you with the clear-eyed perception and intellect to see things as they truly are. It’s a gift. However, the universe also gives you confidence-eroding anxiety about sharing unwelcome truths. Well, the Ace of Swords brings you that task this week, and you have to say what you see. Express your feelings even if you know others don't want to hear it, because you’re right. There might be a lil drama, but it will be resolved quickly, so this is going to be worth it. Be brave. Speak up.
The Fool is the tarot’s first card, and it represents new beginnings—the ones driven by optimism and enthusiasm (more so than practicality or good sense!). Libra, it's time to activate something extremely exciting. What will it be? Choose something you're passionate about rather than something that's practical. Start something new this week. You are in control of your destiny.
You've never suffered fools gladly, and never will. Your tolerance for betrayal, disloyalty, and misplaced criticism is zero. You will always make sure the scales of justice level up. So, get to work! The Three of Swords brings you a thorny situation to dissect, judge, and take action on. The likely outcome is surgically removing something or someone that's causing pain from your life. Face this head-on. You’ll feel better when it's/they're gone.
Congrats, Sag! The Star is the tarot’s dream-come-true card. It's the universe giving you your deepest desire. Do you know what it is? If so, make a direct move in that direction now, and the cosmos will get the hint and propel you towards it. If you don’t know what it is, take some time this week to ponder. Set an exciting goal. Plan an adventure. Create something to look forward to. And then take action. This can really happen.
It's a busy time for you, Cap, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You thrive when you give something your all—as long as you're seeing the results of your hard work! Well, the good news with the plate-spinning Two of Coins is that your efforts are being noticed and valued, and you'll soon be rewarded. All of this is worthwhile, so keep it up. You are the hardest worker in the zodiac.
A beautiful, pleasurable journey of exploration and fun awaits you this week, Aquarius. Like all good things in your life, it unfolds spontaneously. The Knight of Cups asks you to be on the lookout for an adventure. It will probably come to you via friends or people you admire. That means socializing is important this week, so surround yourself with interesting people. You're about to be in the right place at the right time. Have fun!
The World is the tarot's final card. It has a couple meanings. In a literal sense, it can indicate international travel, a location change, or a connection to someone in a different part of the world. On a more abstract level, it can represent the natural cycle of change—beginnings and endings. This card hints that you’re nearing the end of one chapter and it’s time to look ahead and plan the next, so you can transition easily from one story to another.
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