Flight attendant falls out of plane while preparing for departure, sustaining injuries to her legs after hitting tarmac

A flight attendant on an Air India flight fell to the tarmac as she was preparing the plane for takeoff. (Photo: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images)
A flight attendant on an Air India flight fell to the tarmac as she was preparing the plane for takeoff. (Photo: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images)

Flight attendants deserve a round of applause. Whatever terrible day at work you have had, whatever terrible travel story you have, flight attendants can beat it. A flight attendant was fired after her boyfriend proposed to her midflight. Flight attendants’ rates of cancer are spiking, perhaps because of their job. Flight attendants continuously have to deal with passengers who are too drunk for their own good. On top of it all, they have to answer your call button whenever it dings, remind people to wear their seatbelts, pee in a terrifying bathroom, and not be tempted by those tiny tantalizing bottles of booze themselves.

Now Air India flight attendant Harsha Lobo, 53, has an interesting “bad day at work” story or one of the most unusual icebreakers ever — she fell out of a plane.

While closing the door of AI Flight 864 departing from Mumbai to Delhi on Monday, Lobo fell out of the Boeing 777 aircraft and onto the tarmac, according to USA Today. The flight attendant suffered severe injuries to her legs after falling possibly 17 1/2 to 18 feet to the ground, according to Boeing technical manuals. Eighteen feet is about half the length of a telephone pole, two inches shorter than the average adult giraffe, and two-and-a-half times taller than André the Giant, for perspective.

“In an unfortunate incident, one of our cabin crew, Harsha Lobo, fell down on the tarmac from the Boeing 777 aircraft door while closing it. She sustained injuries to her legs and has been taken to the Nanavati Hospital for further treatment,” the airline said in a statement.

Air India is currently investigating the incident, but this isn’t the first time you may have seen the airline in the news this month. Just last week, a Dubai-bound Air India Express flight hit a wall at the end of Trichy airport’s runway during takeoff. The aircraft flew with a ripped underbelly for four hours before getting diverted to Mumbai.

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