Former US Intelligence Official Testifies Aliens, UFOs Are Real

Blink-182's Tom Delonge was apparently right—aliens (allegedly) do exist.

On July 26, former military intelligence official David Grusch testified under oath to the House Oversight Committee that the government not only has knowledge of alien lifeforms but has acquired "non-human" remains from a crash site.

Grusch, who was an intelligence officer for 14 years in the US Air Force and most recently in the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, explained that he became a whistleblower "through a PPD-19 Urgent Concern filing in May 2022 with the ICIG (Intelligence Community Inspector General), following concerning reports from multiple esteemed and credentialed current and former military and Intelligence Community individuals that the US Government is operating with secrecy—above Congressional oversight—with regards to UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena)."

He also shared that the government has a "multi-decade" UAP program since the 1930s and the information had been allegedly illegally hidden from Congress, which he sees as a "grave congressional oversight issue and a potential abuse of executive branch authorities."

Grusch noted that his testimony is based on information he acquired from "individuals with a longstanding track record of legitimacy and service to this country," who have shared evidence in the form of photographs, official documents, and classified testimony.

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However, there were details, including whether he believes that the government has been in contact with extraterrestrials, that Grusch noted was something he "cannot discuss in a public setting."

The Pentagon has denied Grusch's claims, however, noting in a statement to AP News that they have not found “any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently.”

Additionally, former Navy pilot Ryan Graves and former Navy commander David Fravor shared their testimonies of witnessing UAPs while in the military.

According to Fravor, in 2004, four members of the Navy saw a white object that resembled a Tic-Tac, "with a longitudinal axis pointing north-south and moving very abruptly over the water, like a ping-pong ball." He confirmed there were "no visible control surfaces" like wings. The officers tried to chase the UFO, but it moved rapidly, disappearing from sight. He had previously shared his sighting in a 2017 interview with The New York Times.

Graves also shared his testimony of seeing similar UFOs in 2014, which he described as "dark grey or black cubes inside of a clear sphere, where the apex or tips of the cubes were touching the inside of that sphere."

More hearings will be held in the future to investigate the matter.

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