Here’s How To Get Free Guac At Chipotle This Tuesday
Benjamin Franklin once said nothing is certain in this world except death and taxes - but the year was 1789, and Chipotle didn't exist. Now, we know three things to be certain: death, taxes, and the cold, hard truth that guac is extra. Except on July 31.
Next Tuesday is National Avocado Day, and the much-maligned Mexican chain is pulling out all the stops to bring fans in. If you order your meal via Chipotle's app or site, you'll score a free serving of guacamole. Meaning for 24 hours, everything you know will be a lie - because WTF, guac will be free?!
You can redeem those sweet, beautiful, cost-less, mashed avos with the code "AVOCADO" when you check out. They can come as part of your main, like in a burrito or on top of a bowl, on the side, or with some chips. In the past when Chipotle's given away free guac (hehe, still can't believe that as I write it), they've made fans play games. This deal is a simpler, bolder ploy to get you to download the app, since in-store purchases won't earn you anything.
Aaaaaaand, sold.
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