FYI, The Last Tissue In Your Kleenex Box Will Always Be Yellow
Have you ever noticed anything remarkable about your box of Kleenex tissues? Like, perhaps, that sometimes the tissue looks a little more yellow than when you first got the box?
If you're like most people, you probably never noticed (I certainly didn't). Or perhaps you did notice but figured things have a tendency to get yellow with age. The folks at BuzzFeed, however, figured out that the tissues actually become yellow on purpose in order to signal that you're running low. Behold, the inside of a fresh tissue box:
It's such a clever little trick that Kleenex even had it trademarked.
So there! Now you'll never have to know the despair of grabbing a tissue only to find that it was the last one in the box at the moment when you need it most. Next time, you'll be prepared.
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