FYI: A Lunar Eclipse Is Happening At The Same Time As The Full Moon In Taurus

The full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus is happening on November 19, 2021.
This astrological event is about being spontaneous and having fun sans responsibility.
The moon will impact all zodiac signs, but Scorpio and Taurus will feel it the most.
You’ve spent most of your life being a responsible, thoughtful person. And while that’s super important, sometimes you just want to say... f*ck it.
Well, there’s a full moon in the sign of Taurus happening on November 19, 2021, and it’s serving up some serious impulsive vibes. Called the Full Beaver Moon, this lunar event is all about doing whatever the heck you want, according to Donna Page, a certified astrologer in Atlanta. But, of course, there’s a lot more to it than that.
Here’s what else your zodiac sign can expect from the Full Beaver Moon in Taurus, plus how it can impact your life going forward.
Wait, what is the Full Beaver Moon in Taurus exactly?
As you probably know from checking out the night sky on the reg, the moon has different phases. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, the biggest and brightest phase is the full moon. But, heads up (literally!): This particular full moon also comes with a lunar eclipse, which is where the moon, sun, and Earth line up, causing the earth’s shadow to be cast onto the moon. As a result, it can looked blacked out for a little bit.
This full moon’s name comes from a mix of Native American, Colonial American, and European sources, and the Full Beaver Moon happens when beavers start to shack up for the long winter ahead, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. FWIW, it’s also known as the Frost Moon and Freezing Moon in some parts.
How will the Full Beaver Moon in Taurus impact your zodiac sign?
That whole lunar eclipse element makes for a very intense full moon, Page says. And, when you throw Taurus into the mix, there are a lot of strong emotions flying around.
You’ll feel super headstrong and ready to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Streaking through a random cornfield at 2 a.m.? Sure! Taking a last-minute trip someplace warm for the weekend? Why not?! If it feels impulsive and fun, you’re so there.
At the same time, you’ll have an urge to form deep connections. Like if that new person you just started dating isn’t cranking up the passion, you’re going to move on ASAP. Got a steady thing going? You’ll bust out the good lingerie and light a few candles to take advantage of this internal fire you’re feeling.
That do-what-you-want energy will extend to work a little, too. While you won’t necessarily shred up your boss' sixth memo on using too much printer paper and sprinkle the confetti on her desk (please don’t), you could end up feeling like that's the final straw and start sending out your resume to new places at 5:01 p.m. You’ll be ready to take more control of your career, and grab some extra cash in the process. And, if you don’t think you can get that in your current gig, you’ll be more than ready to move on.
The full moon will impact all zodiac signs, but Scorpio and Taurus will feel it the most.
How will the Full Beaver Moon in Taurus impact your future?
Total caveat here: It’s possible to go a little OTT during this full moon and, ya know, nobody wants that. So, while it’s more than okay to have some fun and be slightly less responsible than usual, you don't want to end up with a rap sheet. Cool? Cool.
While you’re out there having (semi-responsible) fun, you’ll realize how tightly wound you’ve been lately. And that will push you to get out and let loose a bit more in the future.
With your love life, you’ll recognize how much you needed to infuse more passion into your day-to-day interactions with your partner. Plus, it’ll feel so good that you’ll start making moves to add more of those fiery moments to your love life on the reg.
As for work, well, if it’s not doing it for you, it’s time to make a change. This could lead to bigger and better things for your career and, really, that’ll only make your life even more awesome.
When is the next full moon?
The next full moon is on December 18, 2021 in the sign of Gemini. During this full moon, you’ll be a little more social than usual and hey—good timing! It’s the holidays.
So, for now, embrace the extra spontaneity. It'll do ya good.
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