Gayle King Reflects on Cheslie Kryst’s Tragic Passing: “I Thought There Must Have Been Some Mistake”

Photo credit: Manny Carabel - Getty Images
Photo credit: Manny Carabel - Getty Images

On Sunday, January 30, 2022, Extra correspondent Cheslie Kryst died by suicide in New York City. The trailblazing Miss USA winner—who was also a lawyer—first rose to fame in 2019, when she made history as one of three Black women to be crowned Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, and Miss Universe in the same year. “In devastation and great sorrow, we share the passing of our beloved Cheslie,” Kryst’s family said in a statement. “Her great light was one that inspired others around the world with her beauty and strength.” That includes Gayle King, who reflects on the 30-year-old’s tragic passing and grapples with how to help friends who may be in pain, here.

I first met Cheslie Kryst in May 2019, when the newly crowned Miss USA came on CBS This Morning to talk about how—for the first time in history—Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, and Miss America were all Black women. There was something so special about that sparkle of a girl, so as soon as the segment was over, I approached her in the greenroom and asked for her phone number. I simply wanted to stay in touch with her.

And we did! Whenever I was on a red carpet and spotted Cheslie—who, in addition to being a lawyer, worked as a correspondent for Extra—I’d go right over to her. She had that gorgeous head of hair, that megawatt smile, not to mention that she was just a really kind person. She was so much more than a pretty girl with a microphone. Even after the Covid-19 pandemic shut down just about every premiere and red carpet, we continued to spend time together—first over Zoom, and then for lunch in December. We’d talk about her job, dating, and everything else going on in her life. I wanted to help her however I could, whether that was answering any questions she might have or giving her advice on a whole range of topics.

So when I got a text message yesterday about her passing, I honestly thought I had read it wrong. I even googled it because I thought there must have been some mistake. But when I saw that it was indeed her, I thought, Somebody needs to check the security cameras in her building, because there is no way she jumped to her death. I simply refused to believe it. Perhaps she had been pushed? Maybe there was some other foul play? Now, of course, we know that is indeed what happened.

Cheslie’s death is a jarring reminder that you never really know what’s going on in people’s lives. In all the time we spent together, there wasn’t anything that made me think she could be in trouble or that she was struggling. That’s part of the reason I’m so gutted by the news—and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. I spoke with Cheslie’s mother and stepfather yesterday, and her mom told me, “Cheslie wasn’t just my daughter; she was my best friend.” Months earlier, Cheslie had told me the exact same thing: Her mother was her best friend. Not only is her family shattered, but everybody who knew or worked with Cheslie is walking around in shock.

How do you explain the unexplainable? I asked that on Instagram last night, and it’s something I’ve been thinking about ever since. In fact, I woke up at 1:09 this morning—yes, exactly 1:09—and I could not fall back asleep, because I was so haunted by the endless list of unanswered questions: What was she thinking in those final moments? Did she plan it out? Did something so drastic and traumatic happen over the weekend that could have caused this? There are so many unanswered questions that it scares me. I cared a lot about this girl—and I thought I really knew her, so that’s what I’m struggling with.

If we ever do get an answer—and truthfully, I’m not sure there ever could be one that makes sense—I hope that we can use it to help other people. Because here’s the thing: How many other people are feeling that way? How many other people that you know may be putting on a face? That’s equally scary to me. And it makes me think, How do you know to offer help if you don’t know the person needs help?

If you have an answer to that question, let me know in the comments below. In the meantime, I’m going to follow the powerful advice of my CBS Mornings co-anchor Nate Burleson, who said on the show this morning, “Check on your strong friends. Don’t assume.” I hope you will, too.

If you are considering self-harm, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741, the Crisis Text Line.

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