Your Gemini Monthly Horoscope for January

Add These Dates to Your GCal:
Wednesday, January 13: New Moon in Capricorn
Sunday, January 17: Jupiter square Uranus
Tuesday, January 19: Sun enters Aquarius
Thursday, January 28: Full Moon in Leo
Saturday, January 30: Mercury Retrograde
After a year that will definitely be remembered as “The Worst Ever,” 2021 is finally here! Rejoice! And, faster than you can say “good riddance,” a New Moon in Capricorn activates the sky on January 13. Although you've been playing it cool, flooding your social media feed with dozens of “positive” posts, the truth is you're stressed AF. Sorry to say, Gemini, but you can't fool the cosmos! The universe *always* knows what's up. Simply, your energy output-to-input ratio has been skewed. You've been giving way more than you're getting, which has left you feeling totally drained. Under this sky, try leveling the playing field. I know you love to multitask, but maybe it’s time to start delegating? The year is just getting started—you don’t want to burn out!
On January 17, expansive Jupiter meets innovative Uranus in a tight 90o angle, forming an aspect known by astrologers as a “square.” Under this alignment, it’s clear you’ve made *way* too many commitments and unfortunately, not everyone is going to be sympathetic. Try not to take it too personally, but let this be a lesson! Double-booking isn’t a good move—at the end of the day, it just gets you in trouble. Try structuring your schedule around appointments you’re actually interested in keeping.
As a summer baby, you're definitely feeling the winter blues. But while the weather may not be changing, the cosmos are definitely shifting. On January 19, the Sun moves into Aquarius (a like-minded air sign), helping you connect with your social prowess. You're back, baby! Now, you're feeling confident and assertive—haters can kiss your ring! What’s more, you'll be feeling increasingly romantic. This is a perfect time to slide into an old flame’s's nothing serious, of course, you just want to know how they've been! And maybe exchange a few nudes. Whatever, nbd!
But easy does it, Gemini love. The Full Moon in Leo on January 28 will be shining a bright light on *everything.* In fact, the Full Moon might be a bit too high-definition for your taste. I mean, there's no reason to highlight all the pores and wrinkles and zits—hey, Moon, can you turn down the wattage?! Under this sky, be careful you don’t get yourself caught up in a sticky web that’s hard to untangle…especially because, just two days later, Mercury (the planet of communication and your celestial ruler) goes retrograde! You’re very impacted by this celestial body's motion, so for the next few weeks, practice slowing down, proof-reading your emails, and (gasp!) avoiding controversy whenever possible. I know you like to stir the pot, but with Mercury’s motion compromised, you may want to press pause on the chaos!
Happy New Year! Treat yourself to some astro merch:
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