This Genius Escape Ramp Will Help Save Animals From Drowning in Your Pool
Hey, pool owners! How many times have you found a poor animal in your pool that couldn’t get out? We know, it’s an unhappy thought. But the point is, there is something you can do so that it never happens again, thanks to Swimline’s Animal Escape Ramp.
Dubbed the FrogLog, the main piece of the product sits on top of the water in your pool. It has a mesh ramp in the middle that leads up to a pouch that holds the item in place. All you have to do is fill it with something heavy, like rocks, so that it stays in place. The idea here is that when a small animal, like a frog, chipmunk, bunny, or lizard gets stuck in the pool, they have an escape route to safely get out.
The FrogLog has earned a badge as an Amazon’s Choice for being highly rated, well-priced, and available to ship immediately. Out of over 5,300 reviews, it has an average of 4.6 out of 5 stars. You can order one on Amazon Prime for $15.99.
“We have had this in the pool all summer and have had no critters lost. Normally there were 2 or 3 frogs a week, but none this year. It helps all kind of animals. My wife took this picture of a baby rabbit it saved today. We lifted it out and it hopped away. Great product,” one buyer wrote.
Not only does this smart little product help save animals, but it also means you won’t have to worry about fishing them out when they sadly drown. It’s truly a win all around, and you didn’t do any other work besides just placing it in the water.
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