God Sent An Angel Dog To Protect Mom and Daughter
For the last 20 years Woman’s World magazine has featured the weekly “My Guardian Angel” column, where real women share first-person accounts of their amazing encounters with Angels. Now, we are sharing those heartwarming stories of loving comfort, Heaven-sent helpers and miraculous rescues online with the mission of continuing to spread hope and light.
Here, Woman’s World reader Maria Hansen shares her experience walking home late at night with her daughter, and a surprising angel came to escort them.
Maria’s Guardian Angel story told in her own words:
One summer day, approximately 25 years ago, my daughter Brittni—who was 9 at the time—and I went to a friend’s wedding at a local church. I was a single mom then, and I did not have a car, so we took a cab to the wedding.
We had a wonderful time, and at the end of the evening, since it was such a warm, pleasant night and the church hall was less than a mile from our house, I decided that we would walk home. It was very late at night, and as we started walking, I questioned my decision.
About a block into the walk, a group of teenagers came walking toward us and my daughter said, “Mommy, I’m scared.” I held her hand tight and reassured her that we would be safe.
The teens didn’t seem to notice us, but almost immediately, a German shepherd dog crossed to our side of the road several feet in front of us. I looked around but didn’t see the owner. The dog was by itself. But we didn’t feel threatened by him as he appeared to be “smiling” as he crossed in front of us.
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The dog maintained his distance walking ahead of us and would look back at us periodically to be sure we were following-. We were a few blocks from our home when the dog turned left down a street, then made a right on the next street. He looked at us again as if to say, Are you coming?
My daughter and I looked at each other knowingly as we continued walking. When our house was in sight, the dog walked right to it and up our driveway to our front door. As we walked up the driveway behind him, he turned and walked back down the driveway to the street. As I put the key in the door of our home I looked back and the dog was gone!
Ever since that day, my daughter and I both 100% believe that God sent an angel in dog form to keep us safe, knowing we would perceive it to be nonthreatening.
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An Angel expert weighs in…
“Maria and Brittni certainly had the love and protection of their angels as they walked home that night. The form that our angels can show up in, or have us experience, is unlimited. In this situation, the unknown German shepherd provided a sense of safety and security as it literally walked them to their front door," says Sunny Dawn Johnson, a global authority on the angelic realm, with a portfolio of 22 books, including popular titles such as Invoking the Archangels, The Love Never Ends, and 365 Days of Angel Prayers. "That the dog knew where they lived is a sure sign he was Heaven-sent. There are angels among us at all times, and they will take whatever form they know will bring us a sense of peace, in times of fear or nervousness.” Read more of Sunny’s insightful stories here.
Do you have an Angel story to share?
Send your story, along with a clear photo of yourself and your name, address and phone number to: [email protected]. By submitting your story, you are granting Woman’s World magazine permission to use it and your photo in the print magazine, on our website and/or in future special issue publications. Submissions may be edited for style.
A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, Woman’s World.
Want to read more Guardian Angel encounters?
Grieving Granddaughter Finds Comfort on Valentine’s Day: “Angels Made It Possible!”
After Losing Her Son, Grieving Mother Finds Comfort From Heaven: “The Signs Kept Coming!”