‘Golden Bachelor’ Shocker! Gerry Turner Makes His Final Decision


We're down to the penultimate episode of The Golden Bachelor and star Gerry Turner has one of the most difficult decisions of his life to make.

After last week's agonizing decision to send home Faith Martin, Gerry was faced with an even tougher choice: whether to spend the rest of his life with Leslie Fhima or Theresa Nist.

Gerry, Leslie and Theresa traveled to the gorgeous Springs Resort and Spa in Costa Rica for the romantic and highly anticipated Fantasy Suites Week.

And the big spoiler of the night was that there will be an engagement on The Golden Bachelor finale on Nov. 30. (The Golden Bachelor is skipping next week for Thanksgiving.)

"I can't believe how close I am to finding the second love of my life," Gerry said. "It's going to be an incredibly difficult decision to make. I hope that the clarity will come."

Related: What We Know So Far About The Golden Bachelorette

Of the Fantasy Suites, he said, "We will have the potential opportunity to spend time that is unfiltered—the closed door time. We can ask the diff questions that are strictly between two people and also have the opportunity to be physically intimate with each other. "

He clarified that "intimacy goes beyond the physical to feelings of the heart."

He also told host Jesse Palmer, “I love the idea of pillow talk…barriers go way down.”

Jesse and Gerry chatted about senior citizen sex!<p>ABC</p>
Jesse and Gerry chatted about senior citizen sex!


Gerry and Jesse then had an awkward conversation how seniors still wanted to “knock boots.”

What else happened on this week on The Golden Bachelor? Read on to find out more!

How long has it been since Gerry has had sex?

When host Jesse asked Gerry if wanted to get intimate with the remaining two women, the former restaurateur said, "Oh, sure. What are you crazy?

"There are moments you're not going to pass up," Gerry said, laughing. "This could be the last time in my life. The opportunity to be physically intimate. I don't to know how to ascribe an importance to it. Let's face it, it's been a while..."

"At this age it's more gentle, it's slow, it's something you can savor."

What happened on Gerry and Leslie's date?

The dancer/choreographer/fitness instructor, 64, who has been married twice before, jumped into Gerry’s arms in the Costa Rican jungle.

“I’m in heaven,” she told him.

But Leslie got nervous when told they were going to rappel over a slippery cliff on their date!

With Gerry rappelling beside her, however, Leslie was able to lower herself to the pool under a waterfall.

“I am so proud of you. We did it!” Gerry exulted.

He got shirtless and they spent time in the water together.

But Gerry was determined to ask Leslie some serious questions that night at dinner.

Related: Golden Bachelor Fans Are Convinced They Spotted a Spoiler

What tough question did Leslie ask Gerry?

Over their meal, Gerry told Leslie she hadn’t asked him anything hard.

“When’s the last time you had sex?” Leslie countered mischievously.

Gerry coyly responded, “By myself or with someone?”

He would only tell her it had “been a long time,” while Leslie said she hadn’t slept with anyone for a year.

Gerry asked how they would deal with the distance between his Indiana home and her digs in Minnesota.

Leslie was attached to her kids in Minneapolis, but also told him, “I love you and want to be with you. We can figure it out.”

Her attitude impressed Gerry!

After Gerry talked about the goal of ‘til death do us part, Leslie tearily admitted she’d never had that. But it was something she desperately wanted.

Did Gerry spend the night with Leslie in Fantasy Suite?

Yes! When given the fantasy card, Leslie said, “I’m in!” and so was Gerry.

It was fantasy time for Gerry and Leslie!<p>ABC</p>
It was fantasy time for Gerry and Leslie!


They sat on the couch in the suite and Gerry reiterated what the first Bachelorette, Trista Rehn Sutter, had told him about choosing the woman he couldn’t live without, not the lady he could live with.

“I think you’re the one,” he boldly told Leslie.

Gerry went to set the thermostat and asked her what temperature she liked: "70?," he asked. She cheekily replied, "69!"

Related: Gerry Turner Laments 'Unfair' Golden Bachelor: 'I Took a Good Person and Broke Her Heart!'

What happened in Gerry and Leslie’s fantasy suite?

They woke up in bed together the next morning and Leslie gushed over their great night—and lamented their lack of sleep.

"What was it? 2:30-3 o'clock?" Gerry asked. "Yeah, we talked about everything," Leslie replied without revealing whether they had sex!

In confessional, Gerry said of anyone asking about fantasy suite action, “It’s none of their f---ing business!”

Leslie noted, “We got so much closer,” but she was worried because Theresa was still around.

How did Gerry connect with Theresa?

The brunette, 70, told cameras, “I am in love with Gerry,” and jumped into his arms when reuniting with him.

But when they rode horses during the day portion of their date, Theresa was concerned that he was “zoning out.”

She told him how much she loved him and stressed, “I can’t wait to meet your family.”

Gerry said to cameras that Theresa was “a gentle soul,” and wondered, “What’s Leslie doing right now?”

Looking back on this, I really feel that everything that happened since Billy passed away has led me to this moment with Gerry. I am in love iwth Gery and I want this to go to the next level and I'm hoping he feels the same way about me. I can't even describe the joy I would feel if said he's in love with me.

Did things change for Gerry over dinner?

The Golden Bachelor asked himself if his relationship with Theresa had “maxed out…We’re not exploring new ground” after bonding over losing their spouses.

But he asked Theresa about her career and she explained she’d been a homemaker who taught herself to be a day trader. When her husband Billy asked her to get a job for health insurance, she nabbed a financial position.

Theresa is still working, but told Gerry, “If you gave me a reason to stop, I would stop.”

Gerry told cameras he was impressed with her career.

Sexually, Theresa told him she hadn’t been with anyone since her husband.

Both confided in each other they still talked to their late spouses.

They said a big yes to the fantasy suite invitation.

Theresa had her shot at winning Gerry.<p>ABC</p>
Theresa had her shot at winning Gerry.


“Tonight is everything to me,” Theresa told cameras. “I haven’t slept with another man since my husband.”

As cameras switched off the suite, audio picked up Gerry saying to Theresa, “You’re really good at that.”

How was the morning after?

Gerry and Theresa clinked coffee cups and kissed in bed.

He said in confessional that “it was the first day of the rest of my life. We understood each other on a very fundamental level.”

Gerry revealed that, “Last night, I told her that I love her.”

Meanwhile, Leslie was sitting in her room alone, worrying about his date with Theresa.

Cameras switched back to Theresa begging Gerry not to go.

Has Gerry made his decision on The Golden Bachelor?

Gerry told cameras, as he did when he had to cut Faith Martin, “Right now, I’m dying inside. I love both of them.”

While Leslie would be exciting, he had a bond with Theresa, Gerry noted.

However, he said, “I’ve made my decision,” as the episode ended.