Good News, Guys! Growing a Beard Might Help You Meet Someone

This guy is seen as long-term relationship material. (Photo: Stocksy)
This guy is seen as long-term relationship material. (Photo: Stocksy)

As any self-respecting bachelor will tell you, growing a full beard — if you can — is one of the most important rituals for the single, independent, unfettered man. And contrary to common sense, that very same full beard may actually be a significant indicator of potential for long-term romance. According to a new study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, a man with a full beard seems to be most attractive to women who are looking for long-term relationships.

When women were shown pictures of male faces with various lengths of facial hair, faces with stubble were judged the most attractive for short-term relationships and faces with full beards were determined to be most attractive in terms of long-term relationships, fertility, and survival. In short, if you’re single, your laziness and refusal to shave may actually help you win in the romance game. Bad news for the shaving industry. Good news for the booming beard-oil industry.

There have been numerous recent studies concerning men and facial hair. Some have found that men with facial hair are perceived more likely to be sexist Lotharios. Others have found bearded dudes make better dads. Some have even found that beards are rather unsanitary. And some studies have shown that women actually really don’t like beards.

We’re pretty confident that most men grow beards mainly because they feel like it, no matter what science or the ladies have to say.

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