Google Can Help You Save Money on Your 2019 Vacation — Here's How
In December most of us focus our travel on one thing: getting home for the holidays. But, soon, all those holiday travel headaches will be over, and it will be time for planning the next best thing: an actual vacation. Thanks to Google, that task just got easier.
The internet search giant has done all the lifting for you by rounding up both a few stellar spring travel deals and what it considers to be its most useful tools on the web to help you organize your trips and save money in the process.
Plan your Martin Luther King weekend travel right now
According to Google, many flights for MLK weekend drop in price around 21 days to departure. That means you should book right about now. But, fear not, as the prices tend to drop again 9 days prior to departure, especially for international destinations, Google said. The price drop can be huge — up to 57 percent.
Fly back on Monday
If you can spare an extra day, Google explained, it may be best to fly out on Monday rather than Sunday. That’s because traveling on Monday can be up to 31 percent cheaper on some destinations.
Look at smaller destinations or airports
Forget the big cities. According to Google, traveling small can help you save big. Heading out to smaller cities like Asheville, North Carolina; Jackson, Wyoming or Indianapolis, Indiana, you can find discounts on hotels up to 30 percent when compared to their larger counterparts.
Plan out your vacation with Google Maps
If you’re traveling to an unfamiliar land try planning out your every move with Google Maps. Using maps will allow you to bookmark favorite locations, explore routes before you get there and share itineraries with your travel partners. Now, it even integrates an “explore” page to see new places you may not have even thought about before.
See what’s trending for MLK weekend, President’s Day weekend and spring break
This year, Google also unveiled a rather cool tool that shows off flight and hotel deals for each of these weekends, as well as what’s trending in some of the most popular destinations for each vacation period. This way you can focus on actually relaxing instead of stressing out on planning. Need a little more inspiration for your travels? Here are the 50 best places to travel in 2019.
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