Grab That Can of Chickpeas From Your Pantry and Make These Delicious Dishes
Chickpeas are the chicken of the legume family because, like chicken, they can be used in all kinds of dishes, in all kinds of ways. Roast them for a snack, process them into hummus, mash for falafel or add to a wide variety of soups, salads and sauces. With the right chickpea recipe, you can whip them into Indian, Middle Eastern, Italian or Moroccan dishes. The chickpea is so versatile and beloved that it's a staple ingredient in many popular dishes around the world.
Wait, are garbanzo beans chickpeas?
First, let's clarify. Yes, garbanzo beans and chickpeas are one and the same—it’s just a difference in etymology. The word “chickpea” has a Latin root, deriving from cicer, which refers to legumes as a whole. “Garbanzo” is a Spanish root, combining the words for “seed” and “dry.”
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Are chickpeas good for you?
Chickpeas are a great plant-based protein for vegans and vegetarians alike. But even if you're a card-carrying carnivore, there are good reasons to seek out this little powerhouse the next time you go to the market.
For starters, chickpeas are high in fiber. Fiber satisfies your hunger longer after a meal, and supports digestive health. The combination of protein and fiber in chickpeas also helps regulate your blood sugar levels. Plus, chickpeas are loaded with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals for good health and disease prevention, like iron, B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, potassium, folate and copper.
Why cook with chickpeas?
Legumes in general are budget-friendly and chickpeas are readily available in both cans and frozen packs. It's also very easy to cook up a batch from dried beans on the stove, in a slow cooker and in an Instant Pot pressure cooker.
Are chickpeas keto?
Your chickpea recipes may sound delicious and full of fiber, vitamins and minerals, but consider closing up the cookbook if you’re on the keto diet. Chickpeas—and similar legumes—have about 22 grams of carbs per half-cup. So while you can still eat them, just do it in moderation and pair them with these keto-friendly foods.
Do chickpeas have protein?
Garbanzo beans are a great protein source, offering about 6 grams per half cup. That’s comparable to black beans and lentils, and as a bonus, they’re all plant-based—so it’s an even healthier option than animal proteins.
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Are chickpeas gluten-free?
If you’re on a gluten-free diet, you’re in luck. Chickpeas naturally don’t have any. Eat up!
How long do chickpeas last in the fridge?
Cooked chickpeas themselves will last in the fridge for three to five days. Make sure you keep them in an airtight container. And always use your senses if you’re worried you’ve kept them for too long. If they look, smell or taste off, throw them out. You can also always put cooked garbanzos in the freezer where they’ll keep longer—up to three months.
And remember, you can save the cooking liquid to make aquafaba, which is a great replacement for egg whites. Let the aquafaba cool completely after you cook your chickpeas, then store it in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks.
Best Chickpea Recipes
Next time you're at the market, pick up a couple cans or a bag of dried chickpeas, and have some fun with them in the kitchen. This selection of chickpea recipes offers ideas for snacks, easy lunches, sides, main dishes and soup.
Deb Perelman
Keiko Oikawa
Jakob Layman
Alison Ashton
Danielle Atkins
Stacey Cramp
Mark Boughton Photography / Styling by Teresa Blackburn
Mark Boughton
Andrew Purcell for Dash
Photography by Emily von Euw, Kathy Hester, Linda and Alex Meyer, Arie Reginato, Celine Sten and Amber St. Peter
Teri Lyn Fisher
Photo by Mark Boughton
Bobbi Burleson
Up next: What does it actually mean to be a vegetarian vs a vegan? Experts break it down.