Here’s Exactly How Much Rehab Costs—and How to Pay for It
Addiction treatment programs are not cheap. According to American Addiction Centers, a stint in rehab can cost up to $60,000. And while insurance companies are required by law to cover substance-abuse services (“They can’t make it more difficult to access treatment for substance use disorder than it would be for other medical conditions,” says Zach Snitzer, director of business development at the Maryland Addiction Recovery Center), you could still be on the hook for a big chunk of the costs you incur while getting sober.
This is because providers can pick and choose what they’ll spring for and for how long. Here’s a breakdown of what all the numbers being thrown at you mean.
4 Ways Not to Go Broke
No insurance (or shitty insurance)? These tips can slash your bill.
1. Consider a state-funded center.
Visit Truth: These are not fancy. But they’re vetted by the government. You’ll also need to apply (qualifications vary by state but depend on income and insurance status).
2. Look for scholarships.
The nonprofit 10,000 Beds connects eligible applicants to empty rehab beds around the country for free. But beware: There can be a waiting list, so when you decide you need treatment, there may not be an opening.
3. Get your employer to pitch in.
Some companies offer employee assistance programs that will connect you for free to a drug counselor who can refer you to legit programs within your budget. To know if your employer is one of them, check your benefits package. It’s often referred to as EAP.
4. Ask the facility to work with you.
Some private treatment centers will take your finances into consideration. Even if you are on the hook for the total cost, many also have payment plans and will work with you instead of kicking you out once your insurance money or private funds have dried up.
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