'You are our heroes': 14 men protest outside the Supreme Court, chanting 'Believe women! Believe survivors!'

A group of men stood outside of the Supreme Court to oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. (Photo: Twitter)
A group of men stood outside of the Supreme Court to oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. (Photo: Twitter)

As lawmakers took to the Senate floor on Friday to vote to advance Brett Kavanaugh‘s nomination to the highest court in the country, a group of men took over the street just outside the Supreme Court to protest, chanting, “Believe women! Believe survivors!”

In a video posted to Twitter, 14 men are seen standing on the crosswalk in front of the federal building, linking arms and providing their reason for the protest.

“We stand as participants who will bend the moral arc of the universe towards justice so that this nation shall rise up and stand with survivors, stand with women, stand on the right side of justice,” one man said, echoing the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “We as men have come to stand with our sisters, who have for so long pushed this country forward, who have given birth to this nation. And we as their sons are standing firm to let the United States Senate know that we are watching. We are watching their decisions.”

While another continued, “It is us as men who are responsible for the trauma and the pain of women. And it’s us as men who are responsible for starting to heal it. We’re just trying to be held accountable for our own mistakes.”

In the next video, the men remain standing in front of a police officer threatening to arrest them for “blocking and impeding a roadway.” After the officer’s second warning of arrest, a woman witnessing the protest says, “You are our heroes,” to which one of the men replies, “You are.”

Moments later, all 14 of them join in a chant in support of women and survivors.

Both tweets have received thousands of responses from both women and men, praising the efforts demonstrated by the group. One person commented, “This is what democracy looks like.”

Read more from Yahoo Lifestyle:

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