Hiking with your dog in the heat: Tips for exploring Arizona trails safely with your buddy

Before going out on a hike, you ask yourself questions to prepare for your day in nature: How hot is it? Do I have enough water and snacks? Am I wearing the right clothes and shoes? Is this a strenuous hike? How long will it take?

Being prepared for the conditions can help you have fun and avoid myriad dangers you could potentially encounter.

But these questions don't just apply to humans. These are also things to plan for when hiking with your dog. Just like you, dogs enjoy the sounds, sights and smells of the outdoors, but they need to be as prepared to hit the trail as you are.

Dogs can be affected by heat or threatened by wildlife, and some dogs can handle more strenuous hikes than others. Here are safety tips for hiking with your dog in Arizona.

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What are the best dog breeds for hiking?

Four types of dogs make particularly good hiking companions, according to Dr. Margo Hennet, a veterinarian in Wyoming for Bark, a monthly subscription service that provides dog products and services.

“These are sort of the mid- to smaller large-breed dogs, and you can have some very fit small-breed dogs as well,” Hennet said. "Labradors, or an in-shape golden retriever, heelers, cattle dogs, even some of the terriers can do well with exercise and hiking.”

What are the worst dog breeds for hiking in heat?

Hennet said some dog breeds might be less suited for hiking in Arizona’s hot climate. Brachycephalic breeds are dogs whose breathing is obstructed because of the shape of their muzzle, head and throat.

“Any of the flat-faced dogs like pugs or bulldogs, because due to the shape of their face and how short their muzzle is, they're not very effective at panting and panting is how dogs thermoregulate,” Hennet said.

“Brachycephalic dogs are going to be less effective or efficient at doing that. And when it's really hot, it's quite important to be efficient at thermoregulating so they don't overheat.”

The former general practitioner and emergency veterinarian suggests owners be careful with overweight dogs, too. The weight of the dog can affect its tolerance for exercise and how it regulates its body temperature.

Hennet advises being careful with older dogs as well.

“Something that's quite common is older dogs who might have formerly been quite active can develop a partial paralysis of some of their upper respiratory tract, basically called laryngeal paralysis. And that, once again, will interfere with their ability to inhale and exhale efficiently and well.”

How far can a dog hike?

Although the breed of dog is something to consider, Hennet said physical condition is more important.

“It comes more so down to their physical condition, just like with people," Hennet said.

“With dogs, sometimes we like to call them weekend warriors. If they are couch potatoes during the week and they go out big on the weekend, those guys are often not in good endurance shape. So you have to be cognizant of that when you take them on really big hikes that they haven't been training for all week long.

"And then dogs who are more habituated to doing several miles of exercise every day are just going to have some better endurance and stamina. And that is exactly the same for people. So it mirrors people very closely.”

How much weight can a dog carry?

When it comes to water, Hennet said the amount to carry depends on the dog's fitness and the length of your hike. She said a good rule of thumb is to carry as much for your dog as you would for yourself.

Your dog probably can carry its water in a pack that is well fitted and balanced. Hennet said the general recommendation is that a dog can carry a quarter to a third of its body weight. Only put a pack on a full-grown dog, and start light to see how the dog adapts.

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Hiking safely with dogs in Arizona's extreme heat

Now that you know what types of dogs are best suited to the trail, it’s time to learn about potential dangers you could encounter with your canine companion.

Hot ground: Asphalt, rocks and other hard surfaces heat up under the searing sun, which can injure your dog's paws. “(Dogs) can essentially wear off that outer layer of their pads and create what we would think of as an open blister,” Hennet said. Wearing dog boots can help, as can hiking early in the day before surfaces get hot.

Heatstroke: It's important to observe your dog's appearance when hiking in the heat, said Bob Solimini, trainer and owner of All American K9 Training in Phoenix. “I would suggest check on them heath-wise, the color of their tongue, their gums, the color of their ears so you can tell if they are overheating,” Solimini said.

Solimini suggests pressing your finger onto your dog's gums and lifting it back up. The pressed area will be white at first from the pressure. If more than 2 seconds pass before the color returns to pink, your dog may be dehydrated. “You can even watch for their gait or the way they are walking, if they are dragging their feet. Anything that is heat stroke related,” he said.

Solimini suggested bringing a collapsible bowl as a convenient way to give your dog water.

Unknown water sources: Hennet said the most common parasite a dog can get from an unknown water source is giardia, which can cause diarrhea and vomiting. If your dog has severe diarrhea, vomiting or weight loss, call the vet. Some symptoms of giardia could be fatal if left untreated.

A dog also could contract an infectious disease called leptospirosis from an unknown water source.

“It’s a concern for two reasons,” Hennet said. “The first one is it has the potential to make your dog very sick. It does kill some dogs, so it is serious if they get it. The other concern for leptospirosis is that it's zoonotic, which means that it can be spread from your dog to humans through contact with their urine. So for any household with infants, elderly, immunocompromised people especially, it’s a public health concern to keep in mind."

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, signs of leptospirosis include fever, muscle tenderness, shivering, increased thirst, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy or inflammation of the eyes.

Rattlesnakes: What to do if your dog is bitten by a rattlesnake?“I think the first and most important thing is to stay calm,” Hennet said. “And that's not just for you. That's for your dog as well. They definitely pick up on your emotions.

"The most important things are not to tourniquet or try to suction out the wound. And your goal is to get them to a vet as quickly as you can. If you're not at a trailhead and you need to hike out, ideally carry them, because the goal is to keep their heart rate not high. You want their heart rate to be normal or close to normal as possible to limit the impacts of the venom."

Cactus spines: Hennet recommends carrying tweezers to remove cactus spines if your dog steps or lies on one. This prevents you from touching the spine yourself.

What to do if your dog is injured while hiking

You can treat your dog's injury with first aid supplies, but that's just the beginning.

“It's very important for people to understand that any bandage or dressing that they apply on the trail is really only meant to serve them until they get off the trail and then they go to a vet,” Hennet said.

“It's not meant to be on for days or be the only thing that needs doing for the wound.”

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Is it safe to hike with a dog in extreme heat? How to protect your pet