The Home Depot's 12-Foot Skeleton Continues to Bring Us Joy During a Difficult Time
A star was born this past fall: Home Depot's 12-Foot Giant-Sized Skeleton with LifeEyes. The bony giant, which retailed for $300, turned heads for its extravagant physique this past Halloween. It also garnered quite a number of hits on Google and attention on social media (see the Instagram hashtag #12footskeleton). However, once the spooky festivities were over, it was back to the attic for this bag of bones... or was it?
In the months following Halloween, Home Depot's 12-foot skeleton has continued to make seasonally-appropriate appearances. Most recently, it was spotted donning a cheery Easter outfit. Earlier in the year, St. Patrick's and Valentine's-themed garbs draped over its gaunt figure. Heck, there are even 12-foot skeletons sporting New Years' and Christmas attire. For a character that is supposed to be dead, this skeleton is ironically keeping a trend very much alive year-round— both on homeowners' lawns and on social media. It's a decoration that has yet to go out of style.
Now, some may argue that it's silly to repurpose a Halloween decoration for other holidays. Usually, I would agree — decorating for Valentine's Day or Easter with Halloween decor seems a bit grim. However, when it comes to this towering bone structure's recent activity, I support it. This larger-than-life skeleton made its debut at the perfect time — a time when we all needed (and still need!) a good laugh. Are you really going to tell me that seeing a gigantic skeleton wearing bunny ears doesn't tickle your insides?
This skeleton doesn't just bring joy to its owners, but so many others as well. I bet at this very moment, someone is probably walking by a 12-foot skeleton on their daily quarantine stroll and thinking to themselves: OMG is that a skeleton disguised as an Easter bunny!? Or, scrolling through social media and getting a good hoot from a photo of the big guy. Can you name any other seasonal decorations that generated this much buzz? I can't. It was honestly in everyone's best interests that this skeleton continued to be displayed past Halloween.
And look, we can relate to the poor skeleton: someone who feels dead inside (completely burned out from a global pandemic) yet is still trying to be festive? For many of us, holiday celebrations this year weren't what they used to be, yet we keep moving forward. We put on our bunny ears and log onto Zoom and think ahead to a time when we can be together with our family and friends. The 12-foot skeleton dressed up in Easter attire is us.
The 12-foot skeleton is truly a one-of-a-kind character, a star, a pal — one that many of us can relate to. It's a decoration we'll remember years from now and one that will always know how to make us laugh — whether it's on display for Halloween or Easter.
So, who else is looking forward to 12-foot Uncle Sam skeletons this July?
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