Your Horoscope for the Week of October 27
Happy Halloween week! It’ll be mostly tricks with some treats when Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio on Halloween night until November 20. The next day, Venus leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius which returns optimism, adventure, and joy to everyone's romantic lives.
Intimacy is not the enemy, Aries! Mercury turns retrograde in your sexuality and deep commitment zone on Thursday. Explore your fears and insecurities around relationships with people you trust. Venus enters your expansion and happiness sector on Friday, giving you the bravery you take more risks in love.
Is love a battlefield, Taurus? Mercury will retrograde in your romance arena this Thursday, making you a bit reactive. If you need to declare boundaries, do it. If you’re feeling a lil soft, say it. On Friday, Venus enters you intimacy boudoir, inspiring less comfort and more sexual experiences involving mystery, exploration, and fun.
It’s time for a check-up, Gemini! When Mercury retrogrades in your health sector on Thursday, you’ll want to get proactive about any physical, mental, and emotional wellness concerns. Venus enters your most romantic sector on Friday, inspiring opposites-attract style chemistry with a person who expands your horizons!
“Comparison is the thief of joy”, Cancer. This Thursday, Mercury will retrograde in your confidence sector, helping you find your bravery by identifying your barriers to it. Move past perfectionism, comparison, and scarcity. Venus enters your health zone on Friday, beautifying your wellness, routine, and organization.
The brightest star in the your Lion constellation is the heart, Leo. Mercury will retrograde in your emotional exposure zone this Thursday, inspiring you to be more courageous around vulnerability. On Friday, Venus enters you confidence sector, helping you express your creativity, joy, and charm around all who love you!
Speak less and listen more, Virgo. Mercury will retrograde in your communication zone this Thursday, making you pay attention to what’s being said in between the lines. Venus joins your home, emotionality, and family sector this Friday, which’ll beautify your space and relationships!
Spend wisely, Libra. Mercury will retrograde in your income zone this Thursday, so be thoughtful and disciplined about your purchases to protect your finances. Venus enters your communication zone this Friday, helping you speak your truth to any romantic interests and name your expectations so you’re all the same sexy page.
“Suffering occurs in monologue,” Scorpio. Mercury will retrograde in your sign this Thursday, nudging you to heal through dialogue. Speak up about any emotional upsets so you can move on. Venus supercharges your income zone this Friday, potentially with some birthday cash.
Ready to let go, Sagittarius? Time to release whatever negative thing you're holding on to come Thursday, when Mercury turns retrograde in your completion, surrender, and healing sector. Let go of all things and/or people that hold you back. Don't worry if this sounds too heavy, though: Venus enters your sign on Friday, so brighter days are coming!
It’s a blast from the past, Cap! Mercury turns retrograde in your socialization sector, inspiring you to reunite with old friends and celebrate the life progress you’ve made. Venus enters your completion zone this Friday, helping you let go of fears and shadows from the past so you can love more deeply in the present.
Are you valued at work, Aquarius? Mercury turns retrograde in your career sector, helping you contribute more value at your job while reviewing whether it's actually cherished. Venus beautifies your socialization space this Friday, blurring the line between romance and friendship, so try to combine the best of both dynamics!
Enjoy the brain boost, Pisces! Mercury will retrograde in your higher thinking zone this Thursday, pushing you to examine the lessons learned over the last three months. Venus enters your career space, helping you improve any work relationships that can help you move up at your job.
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