Inspired by the Outdoors? Here Are 125 Perfect Nature Baby Names and What They Mean
Nothing can seem more daunting than choosing a name for your little one. Not only do you want to make sure that the name “suits” your baby boy or girl, but you also likely want it to be meaningful in some way. That's why these 125 nature baby names are so perfect for those who love the outdoors.
Some people have their names picked out way ahead of time while others wait for their arrival before choosing. No matter your timeline, coming up with the right name can take a while, especially when couples aren’t agreeing on one.
Fortunately, themes are a fashionable way to take on the challenge of finding an idyllic name, and nature categories are definitely trending right now. So, if you are a nature lover, we have made a huge list of 125 of the most perfect nature-inspired baby names for you to go through.
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125 Best Nature Baby Names
1. Acker - Pronunciation: Akk-er
Acker was originally a surname, but this fun boy’s name means acre or field.
2. Alder - Pronunciation: Al-dur
Fun fact! The Alder tree turns orange when it is cut—how mysterious! An older name with a modern feel.
3. Ash - Pronunciation: Ash
Ash trees are declining in nature since the arrival of the ash borer beetle in the 1990s. Ash trees are beautiful, as is this gender-neutral baby name.
4. Bram - Pronunciation: Bram
Bram is a shortened version of a bramble. You may have come across a bramble if you go hiking in the woods. They are a thicket of thorny bushes, like wild roses.
5. Brook or Brooke - Pronunciation: Br-ook
Gently rolling, tiny streams are considered brooks. Such a peaceful name for your little boy or girl, and you can’t go wrong with being named after a child star of the 80s, Brooke Shields either.
6. Dahlia - Pronunciation: Day-lia or Dah-lia
The dahlia is a perennial flower that comes in too many varieties of colors to list. They are cheery, yet elegant—the perfect name to bestow your little one.
7. Doone - Pronunciation: Doon
Taking on a unique spelling from dune, this name could mean big things for your tyke. This nature-derived name means hill or mountain.
8. Dusty - Pronunciation: Dust-ee
Not just a nickname since 60's singer Dusty Springfield came onto the scene, it can also be great as a girl’s name too.
9. Easton - Pronunciation: East-uhn
An Old English word meaning east settlement, Easton has become a favorite name in this modern age.
10. Eden - Pronunciation: Ee-den
The Garden of Eden was a paradise where Adam and Eve lived.
11. Ember - Pronunciation: Em-bur
Embers are the glowing pieces left of wood after a fire has died down. They are extremely hot and brightly lit. Ember is an exceptional name for both genders.
12. Flower - Pronunciation: Fl-ow-er
Flowers are bright and ebullient. They can grow by your hand or spread like wildfire. Flower has a vintage 70's feel but is a perfect time for its revival.
13. Forest - Pronunciation: For-est
“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind, and find my soul.” - John Muir. Such a great nature-inspired name for your new little guy.
14. Geo - Pronunciation: Gee-o
A nature word that means earth. Geocaching has become a popular outdoor challenge in recent years. As a name, Geo is used almost exclusively as a boy’s name.
15. Lake - Pronunciation: L-ai-k
This was originally used as a last name but has meandered over to being used as a first name as well. American actress Lake Bell has put Lake into the spotlight for a girl’s name, but it could be easily used for both genders.
16. Luna - Pronunciation: Loo-na
Luna is the name of the Roman Goddess of the Moon. It has also gained in popularity for girls thanks to the Harry Potter series.
17. Oceana - Pronunciation: O-shee-ana
The Goddess of the sea in Greek Mythology was called Oceana. This could be a big name for your little girl. (Also, fun fact: 70 percent of the Earth is covered in oceans. How cool is that?)
18. Oleander - Pronunciation: O-lee-ann-der
A pretty Mediterranean shrub, Oleander is a derivative of the Greek word rhododendron. The word means rose tree.
19. Posey - Pronunciation: Poe-sie
A posey is a bouquet of flowers, as described in the kid's song, "Ring around the rosy; pocket full of posies." The name can be a shortened version of Josephine, or a cute alternative to Rosey.
20. Rain or Rainn- Pronunciation: Rey-n
Whether you are a fan of getting caught in the rain or not, we can all agree that this is a fantastic name for a little one. And depending on how you would like to spell it, this name can go for both genders.
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21. Rowan - Pronunciation: Row-un
The Rowan bush (also called a Mountain Ash) is part of the rose family.
22. Terran - Pronunciation: Tare-en
A little twist on the word terrain, which is the land with regard to its physical features, is a super cute name for any little boy.
23. Viola - Pronunciation: Vi-oh-lah
A small wildflower that comes in many shades and variations like yellow and white, purple and light purple and white combination. Dainty, yet hardy flowers, this would make a darling name for a girl. Actress Viola Davis rocks this name!
24. Waverlee - Pronunciation: Wave-er-lee
Waverlee is a great either-or choice for both genders. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Waverlee is meadow of quivering aspens.
25. Wilder - Pronunciation: Wild-er
Another example of a name that was used mainly as a last name in the US. Wilder means to be wild or an untamed animal. So, if your little one came into this world like a lion, Wilder would be a perfect name for him.
Best Nature-inspired Girl Names
26. Acacia - Pronunciation: A-kay-shuh
Acacia is a tree or bush found in warmer climates, containing clusters of yellow or white flowers surrounded by thorns.
27. Amaranth - Pronunciation: Am-uh-ranth
Amaranth is quite like quinoa and was revered by the Aztecs and Incas. They believed that it had unearthly powers.
28. Amber - Pronunciation: Am-ber
A fossilized piece of tree resin, appreciated by many for its (amber) color and intriguing beauty.
29. Anise - Pronunciation: A-niss
Anise is an ancient spice that is also the main ingredient in licorice.
30. Apple - Pronunciation: App-el
A favorite fruit, and an increasingly popular choice for a girl’s name since Gwyneth Paltrow chose it for her daughter.
31. Autumn - Pronunciation: Aw-tum
Maybe your favorite season or could be your new baby’s name!
32. Azealia - Pronunciation: A-zil-liyah
This is a flower, part of the rhododendron family. It is also gaining attention thanks to rapper Azealia Banks.
33. Blossom - Pronunciation: Blos-som
If flowers are your thing, then this name which first was popular in the 1920s could be perfect for your new baby girl. Blossom was also Mayim Bialik’s character name in the 1990’s TV show Blossom.
34. Bluebell - Pronunciation: Bloo-bell
Bluebells are sweet little purple wildflowers that grow in clusters, but each is in the shape of a tiny bell. It would make an endearing name for your little girl.
35. Calla - Pronunciation: Kal-lah
Calla lilies are intriguing and beautiful perennials that grow from rhizomes. This sweetheart of a name is just perfect for any nature lover that wants their daughter to stand out with a unique name.
36. Camellia - Pronunciation: Ka-meel-yah
Camellias are known as the queen of the winter flower, and they are evergreen shrubs producing beautiful blooms. The name also started getting noticed after opera singer Camellia Johnson made headlines.
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37. Cassia - Pronunciation: Cass-ee-ah
Cassia trees can produce a spice that people use as a substitute for cinnamon—giving it a spicy take on a girl’s name.
38. Cicely - Pronunciation: Siss-a-lee
Its actual meaning is blind, but cicely is also a white-flowered plant as part of the parsley family.
39. Clover - Pronunciation: Klo-ver
Any nature lover will love using Clover for their baby girl, setting the tone for great things to come for her, since clover is a lovely smelling flower that is a traditional symbol for comfort, luck and wealth.
40. Coral - Pronunciation: Kor-al
Coral is a striking color that is kind of orange, with pinkish tones to it, as well as a form of sea life that grows into huge structures along coastlines.
41. Daisy - Pronunciation: Day-zee
Somehow, Daisy was at one time used as a nickname for Margaret. As a flower in nature, the daisy embodies innocence and purity. Today, Daisy makes an attractive name for any girl, as proven by Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom. They named their daughter Daisy Dove. How cute!
42. Dawn - Pronunciation: Dawn
At early dawn is when the first appearance of light (or daybreak) is seen. What a beautiful name to give your little one!
43. Fern - Pronunciation: Fern
A fern is a shade-loving plant and a true-to-nature name that has been used since the 1900s. It was also the name of the kind-hearted girl in the children’s book Charlotte’s Web, Fern Arable.
44. Hazel - Pronunciation: Hay-zul
A name shortened from the amazing hazelnut tree, this name has garnished some attention since Emily Blunt and John Krasinski chose it for their firstborn.
45. Heather - Pronunciation: Heh-thur
This was a great name in the 70s and 80s and could be on its way to a comeback thanks to lovers of the outdoors! The name comes from the evergreen shrub that has pink or white blossoms.
46. Honey - Pronunciation: Hun-ee
Bees make it and people love it! The word honey means nectar, making this a sweet name for your loved one.
47. Iris - Pronunciation: I-ris
This girl’s name has a vintage style about it. In Greek mythology, Iris was the goddess of the rainbow, whereas, in nature, the iris is a gorgeous flower that comes in a multitude of colors that blooms in the spring. Iris makes a great name for babies born in the springtime.
48. Jasmine - The name Jasmine means gift from God or flower. Jasmine is in the herb family and is the source of an exotic fragrance, and is associated with qualities like grace, elegance and beauty.
49. Juniper - Pronunciation: June-ip-er
This unisex nature name has roots that go far back to biblical times, referencing the male Saint Juniper. In nature, the juniper is a small evergreen shrub.
50. Laurel - Pronunciation: Lor-ul
The laurel plant has traditionally been used to weave wreaths and crowns and is a symbol of achievement. Laurel is a good, strong name for your daughter.
51. Lavender - Pronunciation: Lav-en-dar
What nature-loving parent doesn’t love the sweet fragrance of lavender? A pretty floral herb and used as a color name, lavender flowers are thought to represent calmness, devotion and serenity.
52. Lilac - Pronunciation: Lie-lac
The aromatic flowering bush is representative of spring and spring is a sign of renewal. Some cultures hold a sprig of lilac over a newborn to bring them wisdom.
53. Meadow - Pronunciation: Med-oh
Fields of grass are known as meadows. But as a girl’s name, this name brings the thought of a pretty, summery day.
54. Mimosa - Pronunciation: Mi-moh-suh
Hear us out: If you are looking for an unusual name for your little baby, then Mimosa could just be the one you are looking for. The mimosa is a tree with sweetly scented, bright, yellow blossoms.
55. Misty - Pronunciation: Mis-tee
Misty would make a cute nature name. It is also the name of the vivacious US Olympic Volleyball player Misty May-Treanor.
56. Myrtle - Pronunciation: Muhr-tul
Maybe the name of your grandparent, Myrtle is actually a perfect girl’s name for the modern nature lover. Myrtle is a tenacious ground cover that often sprouts tiny purple flowers.
57. Oakley - Pronunciation: Oak-lee
The word oakley means a meadow of oak trees. It also makes for the stand-out baby girl's name that you are looking for.
58. Olive - Pronunciation: Ol-liv
Olive branches are synonymous with peace! But as a name, Olive has become in with A-listers like Isla Fisher and Drew Barrymore—both have chosen Olive for their little girls.
59. Peony - Pronunciation: Pee-oh-nee
A flower that looks like a cross between a rose and a carnation, often associated with romance and happiness. What an amazing name to bestow your daughter.
60. Petunia - Pronunciation: Pet-oon-ya
Another distinctive name for a little girl—perfect for those who love flowers.
61. Poppy - Pronunciation: Pop-ee
Such a fun name for your baby! Poppies are exuberant red flowers.
62. Plumb - Pronunciation: Pl-um
Getting tired of hearing the name Apple? Then this sweet fruit name is a first-rate alternative for you to choose.
63. Primrose - Pronunciation: Prim-rose
Primroses are one of the first flowers in spring to bloom, making it a charming name for any girl. It was used for the fictional character in The Hunger Games, often shortened to ‘Prim’ as a nickname.
64. Rosemary - Pronunciation: Rowz-mare-ee
As an herb, rosemary has become a symbol of remembrance. It has been known to be a bit old-fashioned, but this sweet (smelling) name is timeless.
65. Saffron - Pronunciation: Saff-ron
It takes a lot of saffron crocus plants to create the popular spice that comes from the inside the plant, and it has become the most expensive spice in the world to produce. Saffron is also a name as pretty as the flower that it would be mirrored from.
66. Savannah - Pronunciation: Sa-van-nah
A savannah is a flat tropical grassland, like those found in Africa. The name gives off a warm, sunshiny feeling in its own right. Well-known NBC morning anchor Savannah Guthrie is a stunning example of the name.
67. Sierra - Pronunciation: See-air-uh
The Sierra’s are a mountain range in the western United States—majestic and quite the sight to see.
68. Skye - Pronunciation: Sky
The spelling for this nature-inspired name usually makes the distinction between whether to use it for a boy (Sky) or girl (Skye).
69. Soleil - Pronunciation: So-lay
Soleil is the French word for sun, making it a just perfect name for your little sunshine—the light of your life!
70. Stella - Pronunciation: Stel-uh
Stella literally means star! Fans of stargazing should be quick to gravitate to this fanciable name.
71. Tempest - Pronunciation: Tem-pest
If you love storms, then Tempest would make the most interesting name for your baby. Tempest means turbulent or stormy. It is also the name of what is thought to be one of Shakespeare's last plays that he had written alone.
72. Terra - Pronunciation: Tair-uh
Terra is the Roman earth goddess equivalent to the Greek Gaia, which explains why this nature name means earth.
73. Verbena - Pronunciation: Ver-been-ah
Another herbaceous plant, Verbena is a long-lasting flowering summer plant. This could be the ideal name for a baby girl born in the summer months.
74. Willow - Pronunciation: Will-oh
The willow tree has long, flowing branches whose leaves look like a falling waterfall. They are unique and intriguing, as would this name be for any boy or girl.
75. Winter - Pronunciation: Win-ter
Take your love of snow and all of the winter fun to the next level and name your daughter after your favorite season.
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Best Nature-inspired Boy Names
76. Admon - Pronunciation: Ad-mon
Flower names aren’t just for little girls. Admon, which means red peony flower, takes on a masculine edge, making it perfect for your newborn boy.
77. Aloe - Pronunciation: Ahl-low
Using Aloe for a boy’s (and possibly girl’s) name will really make your little one stand out in a crowd. Aloes are a large variety of succulents.
78. Apollo - Pronunciation: Uh-pol-low
Apollo wasn’t just a famous movie character; he was also the God of Sun in Greek mythology. Apollo would make a powerful name for your new baby boy.
79. Aster - Pronunciation: As-ster
This name could go either way but is notoriously used as a boy’s name. The aster flower is daisy-like with starry-shaped flower heads.
80. Bay - Pronunciation: Bay
Bay was used just as a last name but is gaining some steam as a boy’s first name in recent years. A bay is a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward.
81. Basil - Pronunciation: Bayz-el
Basil is a tender herb plant that is used in cuisine all over the world. It is also a boy’s name coming from the Greek word royal. This name is fit for your little prince.
82. Briar - Pronunciation: Bry-err
Briars are the thorny patches of wild roses, also called brambles. A gender-neutral name with a perfect combination of sweet and tough.
83. Brick - Pronunciation: Brik
Brick was a name of a character in Tennessee Williams' play “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” that was derived from a nickname out of the English slang term "brick" meaning a good guy, or solid.
84. Bud or Buddy - Pronunciation: Bud or Bud-ee
Not only does bud mean brother, but can denote new growth, just like a flower bud.
85. Cane - Pronunciation: Kayn
This boy’s name could have some alternative spellings like Kane or Cain. Cane can refer to sugarcane, but don’t let this sweet-sounding name fool you. It really means spear.
86. Canyon - Pronunciation: Can-yon
Canyons are large, expansive geographical forms. Nature lovers are sure to have "visiting the Grand Canyon" on their bucket list. What an immense name for your newborn boy!
87. Caraway - Pronunciation: Karr-uh-way
Caraway is an Anglo-Saxon surname that is making its way into the mainstream first name game. This nature-inspired name also comes from an herb whose seeds are used in cooking.
88. Cosmos - Pronunciation: Kos-mos
If you have big aspirations for your little tyke, nothing gets bigger than the name Cosmos—it literally means all of creation.
89. Cove - Pronunciation: Kowv
This is truly a special name you could choose for your baby boy. Cove means small bay, and is a creative name for anyone who loves nature.
90. Clay - Pronunciation: Klay
A rich, earthy name that means sticky earth.
91. Cypress - Pronunciation: Sy-press
In ancient times, Cypress trees were seen as symbols of the heavens and believed to bring immortality and hope. Now that's a name that would bring clout to your little guy!
92. Dale - Pronunciation: Dayl
Believe it or not, this is a unisex name. It means valley, and although it has lost its popularity over the years, it may just be a perfect fit for a nature lover’s child in today's world.
93. Elm - Pronunciation: Elm
A tree-related name that is short and sweet.
94. Everest - Pronunciation: Ever-rest
Mount Everest is the world’s tallest mountain and would make a really modern, nature-themed name.
95. Fleet - Pronunciation: Fl-eat
This name goes waaaaaay back. All the way before the year 1000, as a matter of fact! This comes from an Old English word meaning bay, or boat.
96. Flint - Pronunciation: Fl-int
Flint was the name of the pirate in Stevenson’s book, Treasure Island. Flint is also a mineral quartz that can be used to start fires.
97. Ford - Pronunciation: Ford
Yes, Ford is synonymous with cars, but it actually comes from an Old English term for a river crossing.
98. Fox - Pronunciation: Ford
A fox is a smart, and cunning animal—not to mention cute! This boy's name would be perfect for your little critter.
99. Fraser - Pronunciation: Fray-zer
Meaning strawberry, this nature-inspired boy’s name could be spelled a few different ways. By putting a Z in it like Frazer, it gives it a modern spin.
100. Glenn - Pronunciation: Glen
This name stands for valley.
101. Hawthorn - Pronunciation: Haw-thorn
Hawthorn is such a sophisticated-sounding nature name for any new baby boy.
102. Heathcliff - Pronunciation: Heeth-cliff
Another nature-inspired cultured name (meaning cliff near a heath) for a boy that could easily be toned down by giving him the nickname Heath.
103. Hunter - Pronunciation: Hun-ter
This is a name fit for any boy born to a family of outdoorsmen.
104. Kale - Pronunciation: Kayl
This means free man, but in nature, it is also a green leafy superfood.
105. Knox - Pronunciation: Nox
This name has been around since the 13th century and is known to have Scottish roots. It means from the hills and it hit the mainstream after Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt chose it for their son born in 2008.
106. Leaf or Leif - Pronunciation: Leef
As a symbol, a green leaf represents hope and renewal.
107. Lennox - Pronunciation: Lenn-uhks
It means elm grove, for all of the nature parents out there.
108. Linden - Pronunciation: Lin-din
Linden trees are special to many cultures, representing fertility, prosperity, peace, justice and good luck.
109. Malus - Pronunciation: Mal-us
Malus is another name for crab apples.
110. Moss - Pronunciation: Moss
You may have heard this as a last name thanks to Kate Moss, but this nature name actually goes back—way back—and means descendant of Moses.
111. North - Pronunciation: Nor-th
This directional name could be used for either a boy or a girl, as proven by Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, when they chose it for their daughter.
112. Ocean - Pronunciation: Oh-shun
Meaning a large expanse of water, Ocean is a big hit with water lovers.
113. Reed - Pronunciation: Reed
Reeds are tall plants growing in marshy waters.
114. Ren - Pronunciation: Ren
This sweet name could be used for boys and girls. Its meaning is lotus, which in Japan, the lotus is the Buddhist sign of purity.
115. River - Pronunciation: Riv-er
Another water-themed name, River was quite popular in the 80’s thanks to actor River Phoenix.
116. Rocky - Pronunciation: Rock-ee
A shoot off the Italian name Rocco, Rocky is not only for boxing fans, but an easy pick for nature-loving parents as well.
117. Rue - Roo
This would make it a no-brainer for parents who are going to wait to see the sex of their baby. This type of herb holding medicinal value is also an adorable name for both girls and boys.
118. Sandy - Pronunciation: San-dee
Parents could easily use this beach-inspired name for either their boy or girl.
119. Spruce - Spr-oos
Neat or dapper are the meanings of spruce, but it can also make quite the dapper of a name for a little boy of tree-loving parents.
120. Sorrel - Pronunciation: Saw-ruhl
Regularly used as the color description of a horse, this is the perfect baby boy name for anyone who wants their little one to stand out in a crowd.
121. Stone - Pronunciation: St-own
An English take on the last name Stoney, this would make a strong pick for a baby name.
122. Trent - Pronunciation: Treh-nt
This name means gushing waters.
123. Vernon - Pronunciation: Ver-non
Any fan of famous landmarks in the U.S. should consider Vernon for their little tyke-ster. Mt. Vernon was the home to George Washington and his wife Martha.
124. Wade - Pronunciation: Wey-d
A wade is a river crossing or river ford. So, this name with Anglo-Saxon origins is a wonderful choice for the nature lover who is into water.
125. William - Pronunciation: Will-yum
A timeless name meaning resolute protection, it is also the name of a flower—Sweet William.
There should be more than enough for the nature lovers out there to find a special name for your special new bundle of joy. Happy name-picking!
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