Instagram star's cookbook is recalled due to concerns over recipes that include wild mushrooms and raw elderberries

Johnna Holmgren’s book, <em>Tales From a Forager’s Kitchen</em>, has been recalled due to concerns of ingredients listed in her recipes. (Photo: foxmeetsbear via Instagram)
Johnna Holmgren’s book, Tales From a Forager’s Kitchen, has been recalled due to concerns of ingredients listed in her recipes. (Photo: foxmeetsbear via Instagram)

Johnna Holmgren, who goes by Fox Meets Bear on Instagram, has recently had her book, Tales From a Forager’s Kitchen, recalled by its publisher Rodale Books.

The cookbook, which features recipes that include wild morel mushrooms, raw elderberries, and unleached acorns, according to Buzzfeed, has drawn concerns from critics that suggest the publication of such recipes may be dangerous, especially to those not adequately educated in identifying which ingredients are safe to eat, or how the wild ingredients should be prepared.

“True morel mushrooms” are often confused with “false morel mushrooms,” a term that includes a number of different species of fungi. False morels may contain chemicals that cause vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, and sometimes death. Mature elderberries are edible in small doses; however, immature berries, which appear red, should be avoided. Cooking elderberries neutralize their astringency. Unleached acorns contain tannins which make you nauseous and constipated.

Rodale Books released the following statement: “Rodale Books and our author Johnna Holmgren take very seriously the concerns expressed by readers regarding the preparation and cooking of recipes with raw ingredients (mushrooms and elderberries) that are contained in her recently published Tales From a Forager’s Kitchen. In light of our review of these concerns, and because of our dedication to wellness, Rodale Books and Johnna Holmgren have decided to discontinue the publication and promotion of the book. We are encouraging retailers to return their stock, and we are offering a full refund to consumers who have purchased the book.

“Consumers should email [email protected] for more information. We are all committed to publishing books that offer reliable and comprehensive guidance about their subjects and we regret the inconvenience to our booksellers and readers.”

We are the only species born with an un-developed brain. We come in with that little soft spot, our skull is making room for the brain to grow those first three years. And how does the brain grow? Love. Everyone’s brain grows on love. You can literally see it now on scans that when people are well loved, their brain grows bigger and better and more connected, which totally makes sense because they’re in growth mode— not stress and protection mode. So from the way humans are designed, at the core, we are designed to love. If you didn’t get that love from the people who are supposed to love you the most, you walk about feeling, “Am I lovable? Am I lovable?” You’re not responsible for what happened to you, but you are responsible to yourself to try to move past it. To one day wake up and say, I deserve in this lifetime, to feel lovable. To be whole. When you realize you’re responsible for your own self esteem, it’s a very empowered place. That your thoughts are your own now. That you are worthy and enough just as you are. Flip the script in your brain. How do you love yourself in a way that it grows the muscle in your brain? Thoughts are medicine. So when you’re speaking gracefully to yourself, you’re actually changing your neurochemistry. Who you surround yourself with matters. There are three types of friends: The type that brings you down. The one’s who keep you stagnant. Then there’s a spiritual elevator up. As you become healthier, your vibe attracts your tribe. A healthy partnership is the best therapy. Being seen and loved, wholely for who you are. Someone who loves you at the height of your ugliesness and acting out, they see you as lovable. Not, “if you don’t behave, I’m going to slam the door.. or walk out.. or abandon.” This is the way to love a child. Not contingent upon performance or obedience, but with a beautiful unconditional love that they deserve and everybody deserves. -Dr. Robin Berman YES.

A post shared by Johnna Holmgren (@foxmeetsbear) on May 31, 2018 at 5:27pm PDT

Holmgren’s website bears the disclaimer, “While I strive to be 100 percent accurate, it is solely up to the reader to ensure proper plant identification. Some wild plants are poisonous or can have serious adverse health effects. I am not a health professional, medical doctor, nor a nutritionist. It is up to the reader to verify nutritional information and health benefits with qualified professionals for all edible plants listed in this web site and any published content.”

Holmgren has not yet addressed the discontinuation of publication for her book on social media.

Both Johnna Holmgreen and Rodale Books did not immediately respond to Yahoo Lifestyle’s requests for comment.

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