Support For Anna Faris Is At An All-Time High After Chris Pratt's Instagram Post Thanking His New Wife For His "Healthy Daughter"

Earlier today, Chris Pratt posted this...dare I say out-of-pocket, six-week-early birthday post for his wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger:

However, a big part of what people are zeroing in on is the sentence about Katherine giving him a "gorgeous, healthy daughter."

"Look how she’s looking at me! I mean. Find you somebody that looks at you like that!! You know!? We met in church. She’s given me an amazing life, a gorgeous healthy daughter..."

The reason people are calling out Pratt's choice of words is because his son with Anna Faris, Jack, was born nine weeks premature and had to spend several weeks in the NICU before he was able to go home.

In her memoir, Unqualified, Faris opened up even more about Jack's birth and those uncertain times:

"The pediatric neurosurgeon sat Chris and me down to tell us that Jack had some severe brain bleeding and there was a chance that he could be developmentally disabled."

Today, Jack is 9 and THRIVING. However, he did have to undergo surgeries as a newborn and currently has visual impairments as well as an ongoing, but not life-threatening, heart problem.

So, you can see why Chris Pratt's mention of his "healthy, gorgeous daughter" rubbed people the wrong way:

Chris Pratt's character in a scene from Parks and Rec grimacing

Anyway, the internet has come out in droves to support Anna and Jack:

Overall, thanking your current wife for the "gorgeous, healthy daughter" she gave you while fully knowing the hardships you faced with your ex-wife after the premature birth of your oldest at best a gross oversight and at worst just plain cruel. In conclusion: