Internet Trolls Take Ayesha Curry Cheering Her Husband as Green Light to Bash Women

“Let’s go baby!”
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport)
It seems as if any time Ayesha Curry or her husband, Golden State Warriors player Stephen, do, well, anything, Internet trolls take it as an opportunity to bash women for whatever dumb reason they can think of.
After Steph scored a three pointer on the Portland Trail Blazers’ Al-Farouq Aminu last night, the camera panned to his wife, Ayesha, pounding her chest in support of her hubby, screaming “let’s go baby!” from the stands. It was an adorable display, but trolls on Twitter determined to ruin absolutely everything wonderful managed to turn a heartwarming moment into an attack on women.
Ayesha Curry not being a hoe is the secret that gives steph super shooting powers. That hand sit real steady when you know she not cheating
— Im the One (@Now_Thats_Fresh)
Every time I see that GIF of Ayesha curry I gotta RT. Every guy deserves a Ayesha
— AJ (@_DaShootingStar)
The fact that Ayesha Curry is worshipped for doing what she’s supposed to do just goes to show how sad our generation of women are lol
— . (@VictorDukes23)
Salute to "Ayesha Curry” for reminding us what being a supportive wife and truly being his #1 Fan looks like.
— Johnathan Pope (@JOHNP_DMV)
Look at Ayesha Curry supporting her man. Now that’s a real woman you Twitter hoes should take notes.
— FTBT (@OGRodKnee)
In the midst of the shaming and bashing of womankind, there were plenty of Twitter users with the brains to point out how ridiculous these men, who seem to feel they deserve a woman like Ayesha, sound when they’re putting other women down.
@Thirstyxxx There are plenty of Ayeshas, the real problem is not enough Stephs. ????
— Young T'Challa (@RandallJSharp)
I don’t hate men for wanting an Ayesha curry. I hate them for not being close to deserving a woman like that but put down other women
— Android 18 (@ChanelOfArabia)
*Be a Steph Curry and earn yourself an Ayesha Curry fam
— sc: Ephrata (@ephrizzy)
Y'all dudes tweeting “where my Ayesha Curry at” but date girls who are scared to flip a tortilla because it’s too hot
— gabriela pari$ (@g_brielaparis)
@byee_feliciaaaa like the women who are like this are not who the men are going for. They want IG models but say they want an Ayesha curry
— ? Nandiiii (@NandiByNature)
Oh, Twitter. Ayesha Curry is a supportive wife who can cook up a storm and loves her some Jesus. And that’s great. But it’s not an excuse to come after other women who you feel don’t live up to her image. Stephen Curry is married to a woman like Ayesha because he has strong character, integrity, and other admirable traits that attract women who share those same qualities. But it’s not a contest: Admiring one woman doesn’t give people license to then put down others who don’t live up to those same standards. Perhaps a change of attitude would help make an Ayesha Curry type less elusive for some men?
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