Ireland Baldwin opens up about the 'immense pressure' of social media: 'Sometimes I let it get to me'

Model Ireland Baldwin, who is the daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, spoke out about the
Model Ireland Baldwin, who is the daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, spoke out about the "immense pressure" of social media and modern life. (Photo: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic)

Ireland Baldwin is getting real about the "immense pressure" of life and social media.

The 26-year-old model, who is the daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, took to her Instagram page on Sunday to post a lengthy message about the important life lessons she's learned recently about comparing herself to others.

"I’ve learned a valuable lesson living out here in Oregon and spending far more time with my dogs in nature. I don’t know if any of you out there feel this immense pressure to work harder, make your self more attractive, spend/earn more money and make more friends because of social media pressures, but I do sometimes," wrote Baldwin, along with a series of photos, which included one of herself standing on a beach with a dog leash in her hand. "I don’t know if you experience the ups and downs of life and the unknowing of when your next shareable moment is. Sometimes I mindlessly scroll through social media and I feel like everyone is creating and working at speeds I can’t keep up with."

Baldwin continued, discussing the constant image of perfection that's projected on social media.

"I feel like people have the strength to dress their best and do their hair and makeup every single day and some days, I want to lay in bed in nothing but socks and stream 10 hours of a TV show. Sometimes I let it get to me… the feeling of not being as impressive as my very peers. Sometimes I scroll and think of mistakes I’ve made, things I’ve said, the times I’ve gotten too drunk in my earlier 20s, the hideous outfits I’ve been photographed in… I dwell, and dwell, and dwell… and then I step outside," wrote Baldwin.

However, the model shared that she's found tremendous peace in the outdoors, going for long walks and remembering that "none of this matters."

"Nature forgives you and doesn’t judge... Kindness matters. Apologies matter. Learning from your mistakes matters. Being kind to yourself matters. But none of any of this on your screen is going to exist beyond your time here on this earth. Fill your feeds with people that make you feel good. Don’t waste your time on people who don’t. Don’t dwell on who doesn’t follow you, who doesn’t notice you or who simply isn’t like you. You’re one of a kind and that’s the beauty of it all. Spend more time outside… trust me, it helps. But wear sunscreen please!"

One person who echoed Baldwin's sentiments was her mother, actress Kim Basinger.

"No truer words," wrote Basinger. "So beautiful and just simply so thankful that you know this so young. You can waste your complete life worrying about about what other people think of you. And trying to play catch-up. And not feeling good enough. Doesn’t mean anything. So happy you took this tremendously freeing step. So early in your life. You have taught and shown me so so much. I love you."

Baldwin has spoken out multiple times about her struggles, including dealing with cardiophobia, an anxiety disorder. The condition is defined as "characterized by repeated complaints of chest pain, heart palpitations and other somatic sensations accompanied by fears of having a heart attack and of dying."

In a previous Instagram post, Baldwin shared a photo of herself holding a blood pressure monitor that she uses to manage the condition.

“This is not an ad for a blood pressure machine. This is not at ad at all. I am posting this for whoever suffers with anxiety and anxiety disorders like I do. I ordered a blood pressure monitor to accurately read my heart rate and blood pressure because I live in a constant fear that I’m dying from a heart attack… also known as cardiophobia," wrote Baldwin.

"The heart palpitations and chest pain brought on by your typical anxiety attack convinces me that I am a 26-year-old with an underlying heart condition that I don’t have," she continued. "I do not take medication. I don’t believe in it but I understand some people need their medications."

She continued to explain that she works with anxiety specialists and has gotten into "breath work," but nothing helps her feel more "comfort" than taking an EKG test.

"To answer your question, yes… my anxiety has gotten SO BAD in the past that I have called ambulances and have had hospital visits where paramedics and doctors assure me my heart is OK. I know it may seem silly to you, but this little machine has brought me the utmost comfort."

Baldwin concluded by sharing a message of hope for others who deal with similar issues.

"I just want anyone who suffers from their own anxieties to know that I am here and you are not alone... Don’t let people make you feel guilty for having to take a walk or take some space or stay home because you’re not feeling good. Surround yourself with people who understand or at least try to. And if you’re feeling anxious right now… deep breaths. You’re going to be OK."

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