Jamie Lee Curtis Encourages Fans to Mask Up Again With COVID 'On the Rise'

Jamie Lee Curtis knows the power social media can yield, and that's why she's been using hers to issue PSAs on topics she believes are important.

Yesterday, the 64-year-old Oscar winner used Instagram to raise awareness about the tragic death of a California shop owner who was shot and killed over a pride flag. Today, Curtis is encouraging social media users to wear masks when out in public as multiple outlets report the steady spread of three new COVID-19 variants.

"And we're BAAAAACCCCKKKK," Curtis began in the caption of her Aug. 22 social media upload. "No, not Michael Myers but masking will be. COVID is on the rise."

"SO MANY friends now are really sick," she added. "BE MINDFUL. WEAR A MASK if required or even if you feel unwell and are out in public spaces."

Her energy was, for the most part, matched in the comments, with one Instagram user admitting that they "never stopped" wearing a mask.

Related: In-N-Out Announces a Face Mask Ban for Employees

"I never stopped masking. Not once," they wrote. "My family is immunocompromised and I love them more than anything."

"Norovirus has been going around like crazy in Sacramento - so, it’s not just covid you can protect yourselves and others from," a second suggested. "I don’t know why everyone made this so divisive. Wearing masks during the fall and winter months protect you and others from a whole host of illnesses. I don’t know why people don’t think that’s an inherently good thing."

Others thanked her for starting a new conversation about masking and the pandemic, "Thank you thank you thank you for posting this. The pandemic never stopped for disabled people and it feels like we’re screaming into the void. So grateful ??," one shared.

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"Jamie Lee thank you for keeping yourself and your community safe!" another cheered. "What a fabulous example of a human being you are!"

A third yelled out, "Yes thank you for masking!!!"

Many of her Instagram followers also attempted to battle the misinformation surrounding the efficacy of masks and echoed her remarks calling for more protective measures.

Related: Wearing a Mask Protects You and Those Around You, Research Says

"I can speak for myself and for many other people I know. When a person in the SAME household wore a mask and kept distance as much as possible the others in the house did not catch the virus from them. Now imagine if people wore masks in public where there is even more open space and distance. Of course masks work!!!" one exclaimed. "Nothing is 100% but there’s no way people truly believe masks are ineffective. Give me a break.??."

Fans even advised the actress on better masking tips: "I hate to tell you this but your mask is ineffective because it is loose around the face," another pointed out. "You need a tight fit like a N95. What you have is just for dramatic effect."

As CBS first reported, multiple COVID-19 variants have been detected in the U.S., with infections and hospitalizations steadily rising over the past few months. Though experts note that the growing trend isn't as sharp as previous summer waves, they're also advising the public with new information that suggests the way symptoms present have changed.

Next: Jamie Lee Curtis and Melanie Griffith Snap a Selfie for a Good Cause