Justin Bieber Blesses Streets of Boston With His Bare Feet

Justin Bieber, shoeless in Boston. (Photo: wilberto_17/Instagram)
What do Paul McCartney, Britney Spears, and Justin Bieber have in common? In addition to being famous white people, they’ve also now all made headlines for walking barefoot around public places.
Bieber is the latest to take a stroll sans shoes. The 22-year-old pop star was seen meandering through the Boston Public Garden and Boston Common on Monday, a day before performing the first of his two Purpose concerts in the city.
Though he was initially spotted wearing white sneakers, Biebs evidently preferred to feel the cool pavement on his naked tootsies as he took in the delights of the Massachusetts capital. Besides, few things make you feel more alive than running the risk of stepping on a fresh pile of goose droppings. JB walks on the wild side — literally.
Come to think of it, you know who else frequently forwent footwear? Gandhi. Looks like our Biebsy is well on his way to modern-day messiah-dom.
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