Justin Bieber Made a Sex Joke About Hailey on Instagram and She Had the Perfect Response


Justin Bieber, the singer who has written multiple songs about his sex life with his wife and even brought it up on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show, made a jarring joke about oral sex on Instagram last night. Hailey Bieber was not having it—and shut it down expertly with a simple comment.

Hailey, being a supportive wife, had innocently commented "My jaw??? On the floor," on a video of Justin rehearsing ahead of his New Year's Eve performance. In a screenshot taken by Comments by Celebs, Justin wrote back to Hailey, "@haileybieber ur jaw is other places too lets [sic] be honest."

Hailey quipped back, "@justinbieber omg please go to sleep." Justin was silenced with that.

In fact, the singer seemed to go back and delete his comment. Now only Hailey's two comments remain on the post.

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

Back in December 2019, Justin captioned a video of him playing hockey with another joke, this time about his…skills. "Like my wife always says.... I got good hands," he wrote. Hailey was fine with that caption, commenting, "fact."

Justin has made it no secret that he fully enjoys being a married man. In fact, during his Vogue February 2019 interview, the singer revealed part of the reason he got married so quickly was because he and Hailey had been practicing abstinence before marriage. The couple got engaged one month after they started dating in June 2018 and wed in a New York City courthouse in September 2018. Justin decided to become celibate before he began dating Hailey because he felt sex had become a vice for him, and as a Christian, he wanted to rededicate himself to God.

He was a year into his celibacy when they started seeing each other. Of the lifestyle choice, Justin explained, “He [God] doesn’t ask us not to have sex for him because he wants rules and stuff. He’s like, I’m trying to protect you from hurt and pain. I think sex can cause a lot of pain. Sometimes people have sex because they don’t feel good enough. Because they lack self-worth. Women do that, and guys do that. I wanted to rededicate myself to God in that way because I really felt it was better for the condition of my soul. And I believe that God blessed me with Hailey as a result. There are perks. You get rewarded for good behavior.”

That wasn't the only reason they wed so quickly, Justin added. It was deeper: “When I saw her last June, I just forgot how much I loved her and how much I missed her and how much of a positive impact she made on my life. I was like, Holy cow, this is what I’ve been looking for.”

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