Kate Winslet Joins Age-Old Debate About Jack's Fate in 'Titanic'

It's finally been settled.

Kate Winslet finally weighed in on the age-old debate regarding whether or not Jack could have survived in the film Titanic.

Ever since the movie was released in 1997, fans of the film insist that Jack would have survived if Rose had done one thing to help him stay alive. 

During the scene that takes place after the ship has sunk, Rose stays afloat on top of a wood door as Jack hangs on next to her in the freezing cold water, which ultimately causes him to freeze to death. 

For the longest time, fans have debated whether or not there was room for Jack to fit on the floating door with Rose, and now Winslet is putting in her two cents regarding the debate. 

Back in 2019, MTV's Josh Horowitz asked Leonardo DiCaprio whether or not Jack could have survived, to which he responded, "no comment," but now Horowitz got Winslet to give a definitive answer.

After the interviewer asked Winslet what her attitude on the debate was, she responded, "I don't f–g know."

She later added, "one thing I can honestly tell you–if you put two adults on a standup paddleboard, it becomes immediately unstable."

She continued her stance, stating, "I don't believe that we would have survived if we had both gotten on that door. It would not have been a sustainable idea."

"So you heard it here for the first time. Yes, he could have fit on that door, but it would not have stayed afloat," Winslet said.

And Winslet may have been correct! The director of Titanic, James Cameron, mentioned that he recently conducted scientific research to "put this whole thing to rest" during an interview with The Toronto Sun while promoting his latest film, Avatar: The Way of Water

"We have since done a thorough forensic analysis with a hypothermia expert who reproduced the raft from the movie, and we’re going to do a little special on it that comes out in February," the director said before explaining the study. 

“We took two stunt people who were the same body mass of Kate and Leo, and we put sensors all over them and inside them, and we put them in ice water, and we tested to see whether they could have survived through a variety of methods and the answer was, there was no way they both could have survived. Only one could survive.”

So, it's been settled! Although it was hard to see Jack go, he would not have made it to the end.