Rick Grimes must die: 10 ways to fix The Walking Dead
A whiff of crisis hangs over The Walking Dead as the hit zombie drama returns for the closing half of season eight. The apparent killing off of Sheriff Rick Grimes’s plucky teenage son Carl has enraged viewers and provoked an outburst from the father of actor Chandler Riggs, who accused show-runner Scott Gimple of callously “firing” Riggs two weeks before he turned 18.
There also fears fan favourite Maggie is about to slope off into the sunset. British-American actress Lauren Cohan is reportedly prepared to walk away in a dispute over, among other things, pay parity with male co-stars Andrew Lincoln (Rick) and Norman Reedus (Daryl). After years of decline has the rot truly set in on the Walking Dead?
Opinions will differ, with many devotees still fiercely loyal (the Walking Dead reddit page remains one of the Internet’s most bustling thoroughfares). What’s beyond dispute, though, is that the overall audience is shrinking alarmingly, from a series five peak of 17.9 million in the US to an 8.9 million average for the current season.
All of which creates a big mess for incoming show-runner Angela Kang, replacing the departing Gimple for season nine.
On the off-chance she’s reading – hello Angela – here’s our lock ’n load list of ways to rescue the Walking Dead before it turns completely pungent and random body parts start falling off.
1. More action, less talk
Going into series eight we were promised a swift resolution to the “All Out War” conflict between Rick (Lincoln) and his fellow survivors and smarmy villain Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), leader of the post-apocalyptic Saviours.
Without question, there’s been lots of violence. But the pacing has remained frustratingly sluggish, padded out with endless digressive scenes in which the heroes mooch about repeating the same talking points.
So Rick can’t “go back” to the peacenik he used to be, Daryl wants to kill everyone, Carol is conflicted about killing everyone… Around and around we go, circling character beats already explored to the point of exhaustion in previous seasons.
Blame for this presumably lies with exiting showrunner Scott Gimple. He gained acclaim as writer of some of the Walking Dead's most thoughtful early episodes (e.g. season two stand-out Pretty Much Dead Already).
But since assuming the reins in 2013 in place of Glen Mazzara, the Walking Dead has slowed to a crawl. The obvious hope is that Kang, when she takes over, will quicken the pace. However, we shouldn’t be too optimistic, as she has scripted several of season eight’s proper plodders: most egregiously the Negan v Father Gabriel snooze-fest The Big Scary U.
We must also blame her for arguably the Walking Dead’s lowest point ever – the fake Glenn death episode, in which the character was clearly shown being overwhelmed by walkers only for it be later asserted that he’d dived behind a convenient wheelie-bin.
She was, of course, writing under Gimple’s direction. So it’s possible that, once he takes up his nebulous new position as Walking Dead “chief content office” – who knew zombie adventures needed content officers? – she will be free to cut loose and peps things up. Help us Angela, you’re our only hope.
2. Increased screen time for our favourite actors
Maggie’s emergence as a leader at the Hilltop colony was one of the more engaging storylines of the past season and a half. Yet she’s been mystifyingly missing for whole stretches, with the focus instead on grumpy Rick, surly Daryl and King Ezekiel of the tatty dreadlocks, cod Shakespearean diction and boring existential conundrums.
Likewise side-lined were Rosita (Christian Serratos) and Michonne (Danai Gurira, now a movie star by dint of Black Panther, in which she played the leader of the elite Dora Milaje warriors) – even smarty-pants traitor Eugene (Josh McDermitt), whose defection to the Saviours promised so much.
Now Cohan appears to have concluded she’s spinning her wheels on the series and has packed her figurative bags. Her contract is up at the end of the season and talks with AMC have reportedly broken down.
One rumoured sticking point is that show’s two other major stars, Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus, are on far better deals – a gender disparity that has reportedly contributed to Cohan’s decision to explore other options.
According to the Hollywood Reporter she is “actively looking for her next role” and “fielding offers left and right”. Already she has been attached to new ABC spy comedy-thriller Whiskey Cavalier, in which she plays a “badass” CIA operative codenamed “Fiery Tribune”.
A network dramedy about a CIA agent named “Fiery Tribune” obviously sounds like the word idea ever and it is by no means certain that the pilot will be picked up. Yet it’s equally clear that Cohan is preparing for life post the Walking Dead. After seven years running around the sweltering Georgia woods where the show is shot perhaps it would be understandable that she’d had enough.
3. Stop dragging out the Negan storyline
Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s Negan is one of the great modern small screen villains (perhaps why the actor has seemingly been hired to play more or less the same character opposite Dwayne Johnson in Rampage).
But it’s long been obvious that Negan is going to come off second best in his rumble with Rick, with Alexandria, the Hilltop and the Kingdom all united against the Saviours. Speaking recently Norman Reedus (Daryl) has stated that the second half of season eight will bring “closure” – suggesting Negan is finally going to get what’s coming to him.
4. Make the action better
Among action TV connoisseurs, the Walking Dead’s sloppy fight scenes have achieved a rare notoriety. Confusing edits, guns that fire without recoil, rubbery, unconvincing gore – TWD has committed all of these transgressions at its leisure.
There’s actually a Facebook page titled “
Walking Dead Weaponry Mistakes” (“sniper shots from handguns”, “using a slide release on a Glock as a safety switch”). The elaborate battle sequences in Game of Thrones and even the crisp fisticuffs of the Marvel-Netflix shows are a reminder that there is a smarter route. Why isn’t the Walking Dead taking it?
5. Stay faithful to the graphic novels
Long before the Walking Dead was small screen hit, the original Robert Kirkman comic saga was a bestseller. Yet much like Game of Thrones, as the series has gained in popularity the divergence between the source material and adaptation has grown more acute.
Carl still lives in the graphic novels, for instance, and has a fantastic storyline in which he has a romance with a member of the Whisperers, a tribe of survivors who live among the Walkers by donning dead skin and speaking at low volume. What an intriguing premise – and one we’re going to be denied because AMC broke with Kirkman and inexplicably killed off Carl.
6. Stop trying to be experimental for the sake of it
Remember the season six premiere filmed, for no obvious reason, in black and white? Or the baffling, dust-in-face montage that bookended episode two of the present series? The less meanwhile said about the “Old Man Rick” flash-forwards we’ve recently been treated to the better. Pushing the boundaries is part of every smart drama’s job. With the Walking Dead there is often the sense Gimple and co are trying to be clever for the sake of it.
7. Stop forgetting about key characters
With its sprawling cast and fascinating premise – how would any of us negotiate the zombie apocalypse? – the potential for the Walking Dead is unlimited. And yet the show too often gets weighed down by focusing on one or two characters per episode and forgetting about the rest.
That’s the opposite of the Game of Thrones modus, in which we catch up with all our favourite protagonists more or less each week. On the Walking Dead we’ll spend an entire hour inside the caravan with Gabriel and Negan and in the next episode reconnect with Dwight and Eugene, no matter that we’ve long since forgotten, and ceased to care, about what they’re up to.
8. Make the violence less gratuitous
Every self-respecting zombie drama is obliged to whip out the entrails bucket now and then. But, starting with the icky deaths of Glenn and Abraham at the beginning of season seven, the Walking Dead has ramped up the gross-out factor to the level of self-parody. Last year, Spencer was disembowelled in front of the entire population of Alexandria; this season, we’ve seen Morgan splash around in comedic pools of blood as though training for synchronised swimming at the Olympics.
“I don’t think we would have done it any differently,” co-producer Greg Nicotero said last year of Glenn-and-Abraham controversy.“It serves the purpose of the story.“
“If you look at any other show - whether that be Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad, it’s the same. We don’t do it to be gratuitous even though people might look at it that way. To me that’s not what is shocking. What is shocking is the next morning and these people are sitting in a circle completely broken.”
His sentiments are no doubt heartfelt. But as translated to screen it sometimes feels the Walking Dead is glorifying sadism rather than just dialling up the gore. Knowing the difference between the two would be useful as it looks to the future.
9. Kill off Rick
Yes, we’re going there. Though the prism through which we have seen humanity come to terms with zombie takeover, Andrew Lincoln’s character has arguably become the show’s biggest drag.
Rick doesn’t have a personal arc so much as exist inside a closed loop. Each week, Sheriff Grimes will put hand on hip, stare into the horizon and mutter words to the effect of: “If we do this…if this goes down the way we hope…everything changes”. Yet no matter what happens, seven days later, he’s back delivering a variation of the same monologue. Shuffling Rick off stage instead of Carl would have been the new broom the Walking Dead required.
10. Bring in outside writers
Outgoing showrunner Gimple has been on the series since season two. His replacement, Kang, became a co-executive producer in 2013. The reason The Walking Dead is trudging in circles, it’s tempting to conclude, is because the writers’s room has become institutionalised and is playing with the same limited box of ideas. Why not open up the doors and bring in newcomers with original perspectives? A horror romp should always be prepared to say “yes” to fresh blood.
The Walking Dead will be aired on FOX, the global entertainment channel, beginning at 9pm on Monday February 26. You can also catch it on NOW TV with a 14 day free trial of their Entertainment Pass
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