Kourtney Kardashian’s Company Accused of ‘Fraud’ by Malibu Mayor

Kourtney Kardashian and her company, Poosh, are being criticized after the mayor of Malibu, Bruce Silverstein, brought attention to an event hosted by the company that was previously presented to the city as a "baby shower."

On Saturday, Sept. 23, Silverstein shared a lengthy post on his Facebook page describing an unauthorized party that started being set up at the residency next door to his home on Thursday, Sept. 21.

He titled the post, "City of Malibu Continues to Place Celebrities and the Uber Wealthy Over Residents: City Staff Sells Out to Kardashians and Grants Emergency Expedited Permit for Large Event in a Vacant Single-Family Home in Private Neighborhood."

Silverstein wrote that an event supervisor said the house was rented for an "influencer event" hosted by Kardashian. The mayor then told the person they needed a Special Event Permit for the party before notifying the city of the situation.

In his description, Silverstein mapped out how both the party occurring without a permit and the fact that the property was serving as a short-term rental were likely "unlawful."

The mayor continued to check in with the city. In the Facebook post, he explained that the party shouldn't get a permit due to the circumstances, but last minute, the city worked hard to grant the request, with Silverstein stating that he was "appalled by the situation."

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Silverstein wrote: "It is incredible and entirely unacceptable that the city staff, including the Chief Code Enforcement Officer, Planning Director, Interim City Attorney, and possibly the City Manager would join together to move heaven and earth to get this accomplished on no day’s advance notice for a wealthy celebrity when our residents are required to wait days, weeks and even months for such attention respecting matters of much greater concern."

After, the mayor mentioned other details about the situation that went against code, such as the fact that the party took days to set up and take down, ignoring the permit's requirement that it all must occur the day of the party. There were more issues with the lack of signage and vehicles blocking the neighborhood roads.

Silverstein further shared that the party was reportedly described as a "baby shower" held by the owner of the property, which was not in line with what the staff told him in person. There were several other statements that didn't match up in comparison to what the city was told, which the mayor detailed in his post.

In a follow-up post, Silverstein shared a video of the promotion for Kardashian's event held at the property, which was called Poolside with Poosh, noting it as evidence that the event was not a baby shower.

He wrote the scathing comment in an email to the city, "As a resident, I demand that the city take appropriate legal action to address the fraud that was perpetrated by this company." The mayor also requested an "internal investigation" take place to see if anyone working for the city of Malibu was "complicit."

While the event concluded Saturday evening, Silverstein stated that the situation was not settled and he would bring up his concerns in a city council meeting on Monday, Sept. 25.

He addressed the city at the end of his latest update, writing, "You should all prepare to be embarrassed at the City Council meeting on Monday evening."

Silverstein said that more updates on the situation are to come. As of writing, neither Poosh nor Kardashian has responded to the criticism and allegations from Silverstein.

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