Kylie Jenner Claims She Only Tried Cereal With Milk for the First Time Two Days Ago

Photo credit: Emma McIntyre - Getty Images
Photo credit: Emma McIntyre - Getty Images


Kylie Jenner, who spent a year just like, realizing things, realized two nights ago that if you have milk and cereal together, it really is earth-shattering. Jenner tweeted her discovery yesterday, though she unfortunately didn't Snapchat or Instagram Story footage of her first bowl, which is really a missed opportunity.

Still, here is Jenner's statement on the matter in its full glory: "Last night I had cereal with milk for the first time," she wrote. "Life changing."

She also answered some fan questions about her first time. She put the cereal in first:

And she's not a milk and cereal convert, though "milk was cool once i gave it a chance":

She also went on Snapchat and discussed how she made it 21 years without having milk with cereal before. She said:

So I think people were a little confused when I tweeted that last night was the first time that I ever tried milk with my cereal. That is a fact. Everybody has their personal preference. I never preferred soggy cereal. I just really enjoy my dry crunchy cereal and I know there;’s other people out there that agree with me. So I just think as a young child always eating dry cereal ands never wanting to sog up my cereal, I have just gotten used to it where I never wanted to do it until last night. Until Jordyn [Woods] said I want some cereal and milk and I was like, you know what? Tonight’s the night I’m going to try it. I still prefer dry cereal but it was pretty fire. And nothing was ever the same.

Then she shared footage of her second bowl.

For those of you still doubting Kris Jenner really NEVER give her milk with cereal as a kid, don't. I'm 27 and haven't had it either, just because I never liked milk. So it is possible, just highly improbable.

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