It's Time To Find Out How Us Latinxs Ended Up With These Bowls In Our Homes
3 min read
Hi, I'm Pablo, and today I'm coming to you with a question I know there may be no answer to — but I will ask it anyway: How did we all end up with this bowl in our cabinets?
Now, I obviously can't speak for all Latinos, given that I'm just one lone Mexican American man in the world, but I'm fascinated by the fact that this bowl made its way through so many of our lives.
Pablo Valdivia / BuzzFeed
It's a simple ceramic bowl with a colored ring inside it, but if you told me we came out of the womb with the bowl in hand, I'd believe you.
Personally, I've seen them in just about every color of the rainbow in many of the Mexican homes I've been in.
They just appeared in my life as naturally as the wind and sunshine do, and I never questioned how...until now.
Some Mexicans refer to it as a menudo or pozole bowl because the food just hits right when it's eaten out of here. They also happen to come in very large sizes, which is perfect when you want to eat your weight in pozole.
But I've also eaten oatmeal, fruit, caldo de pollo, albondigas, and massive bowls of generic Rice Krispies out of these. They're multi-purpose and yes, somehow make food taste instantly better!
Now, for my non-Mexican friends reading this, has this bowl found its way into your life too? I'm genuinely curious, because I know this bowl's gotten around!
It's even made its way into a promotional photo for the El Mexicano brand! She's famous!
Many things in my life have come and gone, but these ceramic beauties are eternal.
When the apocalypse wipes us off the face of the Earth and even the roaches die off, you know what will be left standing?
Yep, these damn bowls.
Thank you bowl, you're the real MVP here. ??
Pablo Valdivia / BuzzFeed
If you own one of these or grew up with them, where did you get 'em? If you don't know, ask your parents and tell them a stranger named Pablo on the internet wants to know. They'll understand.
Join BuzzFeed as we celebrate Latinx Heritage Month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, and explore more content celebrating la cultura.
Charlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed