Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for December

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan

Put these dates in your Google Cal rn:

  • December 2: Think you can have it all? Prove it.

  • December 12: Wave “buh-bye” to the haters

  • December 26: Embrace your inner J.Lo

I am honestly so impressed that you can sing, dance, act, paint, decorate, cook, swim, and that you took piano lessons in elementary school. Really, I am. But how will you put that incredible versatility to good use? On December 2, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, helps rein in your talents, allowing you to focus on your skills that are actually (ahem) useful. Through December 2020, Jupiter will be cruising through the area of your chart related to daily responsibilities, health, and wellness. Hey, if you can figure out how to monetize all of your incredible gifts while still cleaning your dishes, filing your taxes, and getting a good night’s sleep, go for it! Remember, generous Jupiter is on your side. This isn’t about stifling your art; it’s about ensuring stability.

But you may want to hang on to your day job…for the time being, anyway. A Full Moon in Gemini on December 12 activates the area of your chart connected to your extended community and makes you realize that your vantage point has been way too narrow. You’re quickly discovering that you’ve outgrown your environment, but don’t let it get to your head, Leo love. Under this electric sky, you may have a difficult time separating fact from fiction. You don’t want to burn bridges, so go ahead and take your time figuring out your next move. I know you feel antsy, but when you take an honest look at the situation, it’s clear that there’s no rush. Trust that the universe is already working its magic.

The final zodiac season of 2019 kicks off on December 21, when the Sun drifts into Capricorn. This vivid luminary shines its light into the area of your chart that governs routines, asking you to take a good, hard look at your schedule. This may not be the most glamorous part of your chart—but soon you'll realize why structure is so very essential, and a dynamic Solar Eclipse will reinforce this very concept just a few days later.

The December 26 Solar Eclipse is part of an ongoing eclipse series that began in 2018 and will continue through 2020. Think back to the last eclipse on July 2: What has changed in your life? Have you cultivated systems that support your mind, body, and spirit?

Remember, Leo love, we only have so many hours in the day—and it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re using your precious time in ways that support your values. The word “productivity” may feel rather banal, but ultimately, your time management skills are the only thing that differentiates you from your fellow lioness, J.Lo. (Well, maybe that and a $1,000,000 engagement ring—who’s counting!)

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