Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for November

Add these dates to your GCal:
Thursday, November 4: New Moon in Scorpio
Friday, November 5: Mercury enters Scorpio and Venus enters Capricorn
Friday, November 19: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
Tuesday, November 21: Sun enters Sagittarius
Hello my fierce Lions and Lionesses! November is quite the month for you, so buckle up and get prepared for this transformative cosmic portal. The New Moon in Scorpio starts off the month on November 4, impacting your fourth house of home, family, and your emotional world. Many of you will experience a new home, start shacking up with a serious bae, or hash it out with family members. Overall, this new lunar cycle while we are in the thick of Scorpio season is about (yes, you guessed it) deep transformation! Prepare for change in this part of your life, and keep in mind that this is only for your own growth, babe.
On November 5, the planet of communication, Mercury, joins the Sun and Mars in Scorpio. This encourages some much-needed movement surrounding the home, deeper conversations, and even some juicy hidden information coming to light. If you've had new contracts or agreements in delay thanks to the recent Mercury Retrograde, now is a time where you can finally move forward.
On the same day, Venus, ruler of money, love, and beauty, moves into the structured earth sign of Capricorn in your sixth house of duty. Improvements surrounding your work schedule, routine, and overall wellness can manifest for you. If you've been burning the candle at both ends, now is the time when you will feel motivated to focus on self-preservation. You also can experience abundance now from all of the work that you've been putting in over the recent past. You deserve it!
Eclipse season also starts in November, and this incredibly important time happens twice a year in the summer and fall. The lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 is focused on your life path and career sector, initiating a six-month cycle of mah-jor changes in this area of your life. Where have you wanted to switch up your professional game? This is the time to start thinking about it, because the universe will bring along opportunities and changes during this new eclipse cycle.
As the month comes to a close, Sagittarius season begins on November 21. This will place the energetic spotlight on your self-expression, creativity, fertility, or a hot ‘n' heavy romantic tryst. A fantastic opportunity could develop in the form of a project that is more aligned with your heart. Be open to new opportunities as you strut into December, Leo queen!
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