Let’s Breakdown That ‘House of the Dragon’ Wedding
Make no mistake: the battle is coming. House of the Dragon is now halfway done, having spent the majority of its first five episodes setting the board for future strife. This restraint begins to pay off dramatically in Episode 5—not least for its very patient viewers, likely wondering just when the heck things will pop off—which not only marks the midway point of the series, but also provides the inciting incident for the civil war to come. Like Game of Thrones before it, the war will be over succession, and it follows royal blood spilled at a wedding. Classic. Just classic.
House of the Dragon has, so far, carefully walked the line between narrative foil to its predecessor and standalone drama. In Game of Thrones, the royal hunt ended with King Robert Baratheon gored and sent on his way to the grave—the major instigator for all later events. Three seasons later, his "son," Joffrey (spoiler warning ahead, but it’s been like a decade by now, so this one’s on you) is poisoned at his wedding. House of the Dragon also features a royal hunt, where the aging and ailing King Viserys (Paddy Considine) struggles to kill a stag, signaling instability in the realm. And then, a wedding. If the hunt didn’t make a Game of Thrones viewer nervous, a wedding certainly will—and this time, the inevitable seems to have occurred: the throne is finally up for grabs.
Episode 5 signals at least several potential power plays in the coming episodes. We’ve waited many hours for things to start rolling, and a brilliantly crafted fifth episode finally gets this show on the King's Road.
Here’s what happened—and who died—in Episode 5.
The Other Paramour
The episode opens in the Vale, where Daemon Targaryen’s (Matt Smith) wife is out hunting. She comes across an incognito Daemon who reveals himself—to her disgust. After she throws shade about Daemon’s impotence, he throws her off the horse, which crushes her. He then uses a rock to bludgeon her.
From one healthy prince to one dying king, we go: King Viserys is seen depositing his lunch over the bow of his ship. The royal fleet is heading to the Iron Islands where Viserys hopes to wed Princess Rhaenyra (Milly Alcock) to Corlys Velaryon’s (Steve Toussaint) and Rhaenys Targaryen’s (Eve Best) son, Laenor Velaryon (Theo Nate). The union would bolster the strength of the realm.
Viserys, visibly ill, meets with Corlys. He proposes the marriage idea, which both Corlys and Rhaenys accept. Later the two of them talk privately, agreeing that the King has come to them out of weakness, and they may have an upper hand in the arrangement. Rhaenys, however, expresses concern over Laenor’s “true nature” and reminds Corlys that Rhaenyra’s throne claim will be questioned the moment the King dies. Corlys dismisses this by saying the marriage will combine the two most powerful armies in Westeros; no one will oppose them.
While the parents talk marriage, the kids talk sex. Rhaenyra and Laenor speak in metaphors about “taste” and discuss marriage arrangements. It’s clear neither teenager desires the other. They will consummate the marriage and have children, but only out of duty to the realm. Outside the marriage bed, they will seek their own interests. Laenor will continue to see his boyfriend and Rhaenyra will continue to see her Kingsguard, Ser Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel).
Their actions represent a kind of dereliction of royal duty, as they attempt to both seek power and also maintain freedoms. The belief that both of these courses are possible is later shown to be violently incorrect.
The foreshadowing of such conflict occurs on the voyage back to King’s Landing when Cole suggests that he and Rhaenyra leave together and marry outside the realm. Rhaenyra laughs this off—she cannot leave the crown because she is the crown, she says—and tells Cole they can still see each other even if she marries Laenor. Cole is hurt by this suggestion, seeing such an arrangement as a disgrace to his name and an insult to their relationship. He walks off.
Detective Queen Hightower
Meanwhile, back at the Red Keep, Queen Alicent Hightower (Emily Carey) says goodbye to her father, Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans) who has recently been dismissed as Hand of the King. He tells her his sacking was her fault—because she believed Rhaenyra’s account of the night with Daemon, the King also believed Rhaenyra, making Otto’s claim appear as a rumor and a sly attempt to discredit Rhaenyra and bolster his grandson’s throne claim. Otto tells Alicent that she will have to choose sides; the King is dying and Rhaenyra’s throne claim will cause war, putting Alicent's son and first-born male offspring of the King in danger. For the rest of the episode, Alicent struggles to choose—will she support her friend Rhaenyra or move against her to protect her child?
Later in the courtyard, Alicent talks with Larys Strong (Matthew Needham), son of the King’s new Hand. (He walks with a cane, as all meddlers and power leaches do in literature for some ableist reason.) Larys asks the Queen if Rhaenyra is well, after he heard a rumor that the maester delivered her a potion the night after the Daemon incident. This is news to Alicent, who looks upset; the plan B potion would suggest that Rhaenyra did couple with Daemon, meaning she had lied to Alicent, meaning she is not trustworthy, meaning Otto is right, meaning the Queen should side against her longtime friend.
She watches from the rampart as King Viserys returns from the Iron Islands and promptly collapses. Now certain of her father’s wisdom—that the King will soon die and incite civil war—she meets with Cole, interrogating him about the Daemon incident. Cole, however, is either too guilt-ridden or too honorable to realize the Queen’s question is directed at Daemon and not himself, and he reveals that he slept with Rhaenyra. Convinced that her friend is not only a liar but also a total slag, Alicent lets Cole leave. She now has both knowledge and power over Rhaenyra and Cole. She also seems to have made a choice: she will protect her child and stand against Rhaenyra in the coming civil war. Rhaenyra's honor is not to be trusted.
One Wedding and Some Funerals
On the night before the wedding, the King reflects on his legacy, bemoaning his uneventful reign and wondering if he would be a different man and ruler had he been “tested.” His death is now certain.
The welcoming banquet is held without the Queen, as guests arrive from across the realm.
The proceeding formalities, including the dinner and dance, appear to signal all future conflict and alliances to come.
First, the seating arrangements. House Velaryon sits to the left of the King alongside Rhaenyra. (In the first episodes Corlys sat across from the King, almost in opposition; he is now allied with the crown). To the King’s right, sit the Hand (as per usual) and also Daemon, who appears in a dramatic solo entrance, having recently made himself a viable bachelor. Also on the right is the Queen’s chair, though she has not yet appeared, and House Hightower, seated below. Both paramours, Cole and Laenor’s boyfriend, stand across from one another, embodying the tangled affections of those in attendance.
When the Queen does appear, she interrupts the King’s speech. She wears green, a sign of war, and sits to the King’s right, the same side as Daemon—she has chosen to also oppose Rhaenyra.
Now the dance.
Rhaenyra and Laenor perform what is assumed to be a traditional waltz thing, though appears like a sword fight. (We get it: war is coming.) The other guests then join in the dance, and we see just how tangled and confused alliances will become.
Daemon moves in to dance with Laena Velaryon, and the two seem to flirt. Their marriage would dramatically change the power balance—the two sit across the table from each other, Laena’s family supporting Rhaenyra, Daemon supporting himself.
Daemon then moves to dance with Rhaenyra. This is when everything starts to blow up. (Of course, it is Daemon who incites this.)
At the same time, Laenor’s boyfriend confronts Cole, telling him that he knows the arrangement and that both must protect their partners. Cole is despondent, as he begins to see just how impossible such an arrangement will be.
When Daemon begins to aggressively touch Rhaenyra, Cole moves in to stop it. So does Laenor’s man, and the two begin fighting. Rhaenyra and Laenor are pushed aside—signaling their lack of control over the consequences of their union—and Cole then beats Laenor’s boyfriend to death.
Laenor then crawls over to the body and screams, making their secret relationship now not so secret.
Laenor and Rhaenyra are then married in a private ceremony as Cole goes into the courtyard to kill himself. Alicent stops him just as Rhaenyra is wed.
Then the King collapses.
What happens next? Well, it's a phrase as old as anything in Westeros: you'll just have to tune in next week.
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