List of Foods to Eat When Trying to Lose Weight
Dropping weight doesn't mean eating boring foods. Make your shopping list of these foods to help you lose weight.
Medically reviewed by Melissa Rifkin, MS, RD, CDN
Which foods are best to consume when trying to lose weight? It can be challenging to discover what to eat that's nutritious and delicious and keeps you satisfied during your weight-loss journey.
Related: Simple Strategies for Maintaining Weight Loss
List of Foods to Eat When Trying to Lose Weight
You can eat any foods you like when trying to lose weight, since so long as you create a calorie deficit, you can lose weight. There are no specific foods that will automatically cause or stop weight loss, instead, it's about energy balance. However, there are some foods that make energy balance easier by filling you up and energizing you for activity.
Lean protein
Fiber rich foods
Fruits and vegetables
Smaller portions of your favorite foods
Related: 7-Day Weight Loss Meal Plan & Recipe Prep
Lean Protein
Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
Foods with protein help you in several ways when trying to lose weight. First, protein will help you maintain muscle mass as you lose fat. If a strength-training program is part of your journey to lose weight, protein-rich foods help rebuild your muscles.
Proteins are also satisfying to eat. Some prefer to enjoy a traditional meat and potatoes meal while dieting, and you can eat lean proteins with vegetables to get the same enjoyment and feel less deprived.
Lastly, protein-rich foods help you to burn slightly more calories due to the thermic effect of food. The thermic effect of food (TEF) contributes to your daily metabolism—or the number of calories you burn. Your body requires energy (calories) to chew, digest, and process food. Protein requires more energy to process than other foods.
Which protein-rich foods are best? Look for choices naturally low in saturated fat and calories, portion-controlled, and foods you enjoy.
If you find it challenging to get enough protein in your diet during weight loss, you can also make a smoothie with a protein powder supplement.
Fiber-Rich Foods
Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
You'll be able to manage cravings better if you eat foods with more fiber. On this list you'll find delicious foods that help you to feel full longer after eating so you consume fewer calories. Most of these foods also provide other nutritional benefits that you'll enjoy during the weight-loss process, like vitamins and minerals.
Fill your shopping cart with these foods to lose weight:
Keep your fridge and pantry stocked with these staples to keep your hunger at bay.
Related: What Happens to Your Body When You Use a Fiber Supplement Daily?
Fruits and Vegetables
Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
It's easy to find "diet foods" at your local supermarket. You'll discover fat-free foods, low-calorie foods, and foods that advertise other health claims on the label. Some foods are not necessarily good for everyone trying to lose weight.
For example, some fat-free foods are higher in sugar than their full-fat versions. Many salad dressings, sauces, and condiments remove fat but add sugar and sodium to make up for lost taste and texture. These foods may not be lower in calories, and if you are trying to reduce your sugar intake they can do more harm than good.
Should you avoid low-calorie foods? No. Find foods naturally lower in calories, such as fruits and vegetables, such as:
Choosing foods packed with vitamins and minerals will help you get the nutrition you need while slimming down. You may also save money, as those 100-calorie snack packs at the store are generally more expensive than snacks you can make at home with healthier foods.
Related: How Much Protein Do You Need?
Smaller Portions of Your Favorite Foods
Nutritious foods are always the best choice when you're trying to lose weight. But sometimes you want more than whole grains, lean protein, and fresh fruits and veggies. If you're like most, you occasionally crave comfort foods like pasta or chocolate.
If you're going to stay on your weight-loss plan long-term, you may want a treat or indulgent snack. And there might also be times when you need to grab a quick bite on the go. Thankfully, there are ways to stick to your weight-loss plan and still allow for certain convenience foods.
Consider any of these foods to eat when trying to lose weight.
A Word From Verywell
Remember that when you choose what to eat to lose weight, it's more than just calories. Foods should fill you up, satisfy your desire for a savory meal, curb your cravings for sweets, and provide your body with solid nutrition. Thankfully, it is possible to find these foods.
Print this list of foods to eat when trying to lose weight. Use it to compile your weekly grocery list or take it to the market so you know which foods to buy and avoid for a successful weight-loss experience.
Related: 7-Day Healthy and Balanced Meal Plan Ideas: Recipes & Prep
Read the original article on Verywell Fitness.