My Literal Pea-Sized Brain Is Completely Blown After Seeing These 20 Absolutely Incredible Pictures For The Very First Time This Week
1.This is Eugene Cernan, who is, as of 2023, the last man to ever walk on the moon:
He did it way back in 1972. It's been that long, folks!
You might recognize Eugene from this iconic picture of his moon walk:
2.This is a picture of one of the last Tasmanian tigers, an animal that went extinct in 1936:
It lived, obviously, in Tasmania. Recently, there's been some talk of scientists trying to resurrect the tiger.
3.This is what a real executioner's mask looked like:
Incredibly goofy but also very, very terrifying.
4.This is Albert Woolson, the last surviving Civil War veteran:
Albert fought for the Union army and died in 1956 at the age of 106.
5.This is what a real-deal, true-to-life muffin man looked like in 1930s London:
So now when someone asks you if you know the muffin man, well, you have your answer.
6.One dollar in 1913 is worth $30.22 today:
7.This is what a tiger's tongue looks like:
It is apparently so rough, it can "lick paint off a building."
8.This is the Willamette meteorite, the largest meteorite that's ever been found in the United States:
It is the sixth largest in the world and weighs 15.5 tons.
9.And this is what a small chunk of a random meteorite looks like:
It's apparently very, very heavy.
10.L-shaped pool tables exist:
11.This is what the FBI's fingerprint files looked like in 1942:
Got to think they cleaned this up a bit in the last 80 years.
12.The world's oldest diving suit is absolutely terrifying:
Looks sort of like a friendly pink starfish you may know. A scary, scary starfish.
13.This is what the throne of King Charlemagne looked like:
Over the course of almost 600 years, more than 30 leaders of the Holy Roman Empire were officially coronated on this throne.
14.On Sept. 3, 1967, Sweden made a shift from driving on the left side of the road to driving on the right. This is a picture from the first day after the big change:
Looks like a chill, relaxing day.
15.McDonald's restaurants in Italy sell mini calzones:
It's apparently filled with tomatoes and mozzarella.
16.Some libraries let you know exactly how much you're saving by using them:
A whole lot!
17.This is a model of what ancient Egyptian dental work may have looked like:
It was actually crafted by Dr. Vincenzo Guerini during the early 1900s.
18.This is the Pamir, one of the last commercial sailing ships in the world:
It sank in 1957.
19.The names for Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce in some countries are "salsa inglesa" and "salsa China," literally "English sauce" and "Chinese sauce":
20.And, finally, this is the "Feejee mermaid," a creature that was supposedly caught in the ocean near, well, Fiji. It was most famously displayed by P.T. Barnum in his circus sideshow:
Obviously, it's not a mermaid. It's actually a few different animals, most likely a combo of "monkey and fish parts, featuring reptile claws, teeth, and clay and papier maché filler." Welcome to my nightmares, Feejee mermaid!
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