Lose Weight Without Deprivation: The 5:2 Diet Lets You Eat Freely and Still Burn Fat Fast
Eager to get leaner and healthier but just not up for a diet that completely takes over your life? Good news: “There’s an amazing alternative to traditional diets called a ‘5:2’ style of eating. Instead of cutting back every day, you relax for five days and only cut calories twice a week,” reveals Ian K. Smith, MD, author of the new book Mind Over Weight and a dozen other mega-selling diet books. “It might not sound like enough to make a difference, but continuously switching up your calorie intake throws the body off-kilter in a way that stimulates extra fat burning.” Want proof? Not only do Dr. Ian’s devotees drop up to 11 pounds a week, but a 2020 study by New Zealand scientists found that this alternate day fasting schedule boosts women’s overall health as it doubles fat loss compared to seven-day-a-week diets. Says Dr. Ian, “Even if you’ve struggled on other plans, this could be the strategy that changes everything.” Keep reading to learn how you can diet just twice a week and lose big, plus the real-world proof it works!
What do you eat on the 5:2 diet?
Like most experts, Dr. Ian Smith is a fan of wholesome foods—but this isn’t a diet that requires a big shopping trip. In fact, you can customize it based on what’s already in your pantry. “You’re not eliminating food groups. You can have carbs, you can have fat,” Dr. Ian notes. “I recommend choosing the healthiest foods available to you because that helps reduce hunger and leads to more aggressive fat loss. But this technique works with whatever is on hand. Just keep calories down on your ‘low’ days.” And it’s easier than you might expect…
Alternate day fasting schedule: Low calorie days
While some studies suggest limiting folks to 500 calories twice weekly, Dr. Ian says most of us will lose at a nice clip simply by dipping to the 800–1,000 calorie range. “Choose any two nonconsecutive days. I recommend days when you’re somewhat busy, because when you’re distracted, your urge to eat naturally drops,” he says.
And you can expect overall hunger to fall after a couple of weeks. Turns out low-calorie days do for cells what exercise does for muscles—challenging them in a way that leads to healing and renewal. “It makes cells stronger,” confirms Johns Hopkins nutrition researcher Mark Mattson, PhD. Upgraded cells better regulate appetite hormones, so “more signals get to your brain and tell you to stop eating,” Mattson says.
Meanwhile, research published in 2011 in the International Journal of Obesity found that upgraded cells improve blood-sugar and insulin levels, fiercely fighting diabetes. Other studies show that breast cancer hormones are slashed and immunity gets a big boost. Plus, a 2018 study in the British Journal of Nutrition found blood pressure falls about 350 percent faster than on other types of diets. So you’re truly transforming your body as you shrink your waist!
Alternate day fasting schedule: Unrestricted calorie days
As for days when you’re not cutting calories, Dr. Ian encourages you to listen to your body and stop eating when you’re full. “Most of us consume about 2,000 to 3,000 calories in a typical 24-hour period, and if you just stick to the lower end of that range, you’re in good shape.” That said, do eat what you crave, because you don’t want feelings of deprivation to throw you off track. “With ‘5:2’ eating, people can eat more on certain days and still make progress. It’s a forgiving approach to weight loss, and that’s key,” he says. “A ‘5:2’ diet makes it easier to stay in the game—and that sets you up for a big win!”
5:2 diet success story: Sandra Barnett
After a friend lost 45 pounds using an “alternate-day diet,” Sandra Barnett decided to try it herself. “At first, I wasn’t sure I could manage the lower-calorie days,” recalls the Ontario veterinarian, 56, who experimented to see if small portions of simple fare like eggs, meat and veggies would fill her up enough. “As long as I didn’t try to do it over the weekend, I had no problem. There were times when I wanted more food, but I’d just tell myself I could have it tomorrow.”
As the pounds began melting—10, 20, 30—she became more and more motivated to make better choices. “But I never gave up pizza, french fries or dessert. I just tried to eat smaller amounts of them a bit less often. In the end, it felt pretty effortless!” All told, Sandra shed 65 pounds as her energy soared and her joint pain steadily disappeared. “I feel like a new person. This really works!”
5:2 diet success story: Beverly Simon
When Beverly Simon, 61, first started following Dr. Ian on Twitter, she had a slow thyroid and little hope of lasting weight loss. But as the Maryland retiree began alternating her calorie intake, pounds flew off—27 in the first month alone. “Plus, my energy was up, my cholesterol was down. Basically, it started fixing everything that was wrong with me,” she recalls.
Did low-calorie days leave her starving? Nope! But she did sometimes want to indulge out of habit. “If you distract yourself for a bit—maybe take a walk or talk on the phone—the urge is usually gone when you’re done.” All told, she’s shed 105 pounds and has maintained for over five years.
5:2 diet restricted calorie sample day
To use a ‘5:2’ approach, choose any five days each week to relax, eating healthy versions of food you enjoy and aiming to stop eating once you feel full. Then on the two remaining days (they should be nonconsecutive), reduce calorie intake to as low as 800 calories. Free apps like MyFitnessPal and LoseIt make tracking a cinch. Dr. Ian says a little protein, fiber and/or good fat at each sitting helps control hunger best. We’re sharing sample meals here that deliver maximum filling power with minimum fuss—but go with whatever works for you, says Dr. Ian. As always, get your doctor’s okay to try any new plan.
Breakfast (160 calories)
2 eggs (prepared any style with cooking spray), 1 cup spinach, a plum tomato and herbs to taste.
Lunch (215 calories)
Mix a 70-calorie pack of tuna, 2 Tbs. plain yogurt and herbs; 110-calorie serving crackers; 1?2 cup veggies.
Snack (110 calories)
Assorted nonstarchy veggies, such as 1 cup cucumber, 1 bell pepper and 1?2 cup carrots with 1?2 cup salsa.
Dinner (290 calories)
Simmer 6 oz. cooked chicken, 2 cups shirataki noodles, 1–2 cups veggies and seasoning to taste.
Bonus dessert: Berry Clouds
These luscious treats will satisfy your sweet tooth for a mere 35 calories apiece. Makes 8 servings.
4 egg whites, at room temp.
1?2 tsp. vanilla extract
1?4 tsp. cream of tartar
6 Tbs. Swerve sweetener
1?8 tsp. salt
3 cups berries
Beat whites, vanilla and cream of tartar until foamy.
Add Swerve, 1 Tbs. at a time, beating until stiff peaks form.
Drop 8 mounds on lined sheets; with a spoon, shape meringue nests 1" high and 4" wide.
Bake for 1 hour at 200°F.
Turn off oven; leave in oven overnight to dry out.
Fill with berries and enjoy.
Read more on fasting:
Can You Drink Coffee While Intermittent Fasting? MD Reveals How It Can Affect Weight Loss
Dr. Will Cole’s Gentler Twist on Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss Helps Burn Fat at Double Speed
Intermittent Fasting + Walking: The Science-Backed Combo That Helped This Grandma Lose 3X the Weight
This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.
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