Lots Of People In Other Countries Actually Don’t Refrigerate Their Eggs
Travel outside of the U.S. and you’ll likely notice something missing from grocery store refrigerators: eggs.
Don’t panic; it’s actually totally normal—but it doesn’t mean you can skip refrigerating your eggs here in the States. Here, everything you need to know to be fully egg-ucated (ugh, sorry) on how to store your next carton.
There's a good reason why eggs are usually refrigerated.
Ever wondered why you’re not supposed to eat cookie dough (or anything else that contains eggs) raw?
Eggs can carry a nasty little bacteria called Salmonella, which, according to the Food and Drug Administration, is the most common cause of food poisoning in the U.S.
Salmonella can get into our eggs (and mouths) in two ways. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, it can either contaminate the yolk and white as the egg forms in a hen’s reproductive tract, or get on the eggshell if an egg is exposed to feces (yes, poop) during or after being laid.
Come into contact with Salmonella, and you’ll likely find yourself with a slew of unsightly stomach issues (vomiting and diarrhea, included) for up to a week. Serious cases can require hospitalization and even be life-threatening.
Different countries have addressed the Salmonella issue differently throughout the years, but the American approach involves washing—and then refrigerating—our eggs.
Back in the 1970s, the egg industry in the U.S. began commercially washing eggs before shipping them out to be sold. “Typically, eggs are washed in hot, soapy water and sprayed with disinfectant,” explains dietitian Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, author of Read It Before You Eat It.
This washing process removes any possible Salmonella from the exterior of our eggs. However, it may damage a thin protective layer on the outside of the shell called the “cuticle,” leaving the just-cleaned egg more vulnerable to future bacterial invaders. So, we have to refrigerate it.
In fact, U.S. law requires that eggs be refrigerated from the time they’re washed to the moment we put them in our shopping carts, says Taub-Dix.
And, about the possible Salmonella inside the egg itself? If eggs (or egg products) are not pasteurized (which kills Salmonella), they must display a warning instructing us to thoroughly cook our eggs and give the bacteria the boot. (Mhm, that means runny egg yolks are technically a no-no.)
But TBH, tons of people around the world don't refrigerate their eggs.
Though a few other countries around the world (namely Canada, Japan, and the Netherlands) do follow the American approach to egg safety, many skip the commercial cleaning and refrigeration process completely.
In fact, European Union regulations actually require that eggs not be washed, since “such practices can cause damage to the egg shell, which is an effective barrier to bacterial ingress with an array of antimicrobial properties.”
Instead, much of Europe addresses the Salmonella issue by vaccinating hens against the bacteria, according to the Egg Safety Center.
“One approach isn’t necessarily better than the other,” says Taub-Dix. “They’re just different ways of addressing the situation.”
Your eggs might last longer if you refrigerate them, too.
Yep, refrigerating your eggs also extends their shelf life. (According to the USDA, eggs can last up to a whopping 15 weeks in the fridge.)
Also: “Once any egg is refrigerated, it needs to continue to be refrigerated,” explains Taub-Dix. “If you let a refrigerated egg sit out, it ‘sweats’ and condensation forms on the shell, which makes the shell more porous and opens it up to bacteria.”
There is one exception to the refrigeration situation: Certain recipes (namely those high in fat, like cheesecake) call for room temperature eggs because cold eggs can mess with the texture of your treat, according to the American Egg Board.
“The only time that I take eggs out of the fridge before using them is for baking,” Taub-Dix says.
The bottom line: If you buy eggs in the U.S., you should refrigerate them from the minute you unpack your grocery bag ‘til whenever you use them.
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