Man 'dumbfounded' to receive 48 diamond bracelets in the mail by mistake

Dale Dickerson got a lot more than he bargained for when he ordered one diamond bracelet from Jewelry Unlimited. (Photo: Local ABC 24/Dale Dickerson)
Dale Dickerson got a lot more than he bargained for when he ordered one diamond bracelet from Jewelry Unlimited. (Photo: Local ABC 24/Dale Dickerson)

A Mississippi man who ordered his wife a $2,000 diamond tennis bracelet for Christmas was stunned when he discovered the package delivered to his home contained not just one but 48 diamond bracelets — and no receipt or paperwork.

Dale Dickerson had ordered the baubles from the Atlanta-based Jewelry Unlimited, a company that truly lived up to its name this holiday season.

“I just stood there and just stared at it for several seconds ’cause I didn’t know what to do,” Dickerson told Memphis’s Local ABC 24 of finding 48 individually wrapped bracelets in the box with handwritten labels bearing serial numbers. “I mean I just literally stared at it, just dumbfounded.”

The IT professional said he was a “nervous wreck” having almost $100,000 worth of jewelry on his kitchen counter, so he composed himself and immediately called the company.

“The manager came on, and I could tell he had a lot of panic in his voice,” Dickerson said with a smirk.

After assessing the situation, the manager followed up with an email to Dickerson, thanking him for his honesty and providing a pre-paid shipping label for returning the inventory.

Diamonds are clearly Sherry Dickerson’s best friend. (Photo: Local ABC 24/Dale Dickerson)
Diamonds are clearly Sherry Dickerson’s best friend. (Photo: Local ABC 24/Dale Dickerson)

After sending back the 47 extra bracelets, Dickerson, who hails from the aptly named Olive Branch, received a second package — but this time, it was sent intentionally. It was a pair of diamond earrings that Jewelry Unlimited sent as a thank you gift.

Clearly, the person who scored the most in this situation was Dickerson’s amused wife, Sherry.

“I was like, ‘You are kidding me!” she said of first learning about the diamonds. She added that she absolutely adores her bracelet, but joked, “You know, 48 would have looked better, wouldn’t it? No, I’m kidding! I love the bracelet.”

Yahoo Lifestyle reached out to Jewelry Unlimited to get their take on what could have led to the shipping snafu, and will update this post when they reply.

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