Man protests panhandler by standing next to him with sign that reads, 'He Can Get A Job'

A man in Bellevue, Tenn., has become so fed up with a regular panhandler in his neighborhood that he decided to make a sign that read, "He Can Get A Job," and stand beside him at the intersection.
Chad Fox, along with his dog, has stood at the intersection of Old Hickory Boulevard and Highway 100 daily for years, where people driving by provide him with money and food. Resident Tyler Blair has become frustrated with the free handouts the man receives.
"He's been given help, he's been given a truck, he's been given a place to live, he's been offered jobs multiple, multiple times and turns them all down," Blair alleges to Fox17. "I work very, very hard. I work very hard. Too hard to just see people hanging out asking for money for nothing."
Blair passes Fox every day on his way home, and the sight gnawed away at him, inspiring him to paint the sign.
"I think it was just more of a built-up thing where every day it builds and it builds and it builds," Blair said. "I straight-up told him, I was like, 'You can get out of here; no one wants you here. I don't want you here and you can leave.'"
According to the station, Fox previously worked as a forklift operator for five years; however, now, he is unsure of what to do next.
"I know I don't want to do this for the rest of my life, of course," Fox said, adding that he didn't want to take a job where he would be unhappy and bored. "I don't want to hop around from convenience store to fast food to a different job every six months."
Blair, however, disagrees and thinks Fox should find employment. Until then, he plans to stand next to Fox at the intersection with his sign.
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