Manifest Love and Money Now: Venus Enters Libra
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As Venus enters Libra, romantic opportunities soar. The planet of love is domicile, or at home, in Libra, giving it extra control over our social interactions on Earth. In the best way possible, Venusian Charm runs the show in Libra from August 29 to September 22, 2024.
It is time to put on our magic hat during this astrological transit. We can manifest promising results in love, money, and whatever our heart desires. Read on to discover how you can spiritually manifest or call in what you long for as Venus transits Libra.
What is Manifesting?
Manifesting is the art of willing your desires into existence. Some spiritualists use affirmations, candle magic, or mirror-gazing, while others use scripting, vision boards, Tarot, or meditation. Regardless of your approach, the goal of manifesting is the same: to actualize your felt desires into physical, tangible reality.
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How Can You Use Astrology to Manifest Your Desires?
Aligning our manifestations with astrological transits allows for more swift, accurate, and blessed results. Think of it: what sounds more intuitive? Manifesting or calling in romance while Venus, the planet of love, can't perform as well due to its astrological configurations? Or when Venus is placed in a sign that it performs excellently, gracing us with relationship blessings with less strain and much more ease?
To manifest your desires in alignment with astrology, you must track the transits and take action during auspicious timing. Luckily, we've got you covered at Parade Astrology, keeping you in the loop about what's happening in the cosmos.
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How to or What to Manifest As Venus Transits Libra
During Venus in Libra, manifesting comes easily. Venus is the planet of desires. Therefore, all that we need is to concentrate on our efforts. As you may have heard, intention is everything if you've researched manifestation. The exact ritual, practice, or details are up to you to decide. What matters most is that you tap into the feelings and experience the emotions in your body that allow you to align energetically with the desires you're concentrating on.
Manifesting Relationship Success
As Venus transits, Libra manifests relationship success. Singles can readily call in the ideal lover or heal or recover from heartbreak. Coupled individuals can perform rituals, set intentions, or affirm exciting milestones and deepen commitment to their connections.
However, Venus' magic isn't limited to romantic relationships alone. Calling in friendship and community and alleviating your social sphere overall is always a good idea. Eager professionals could manifest the right business partnerships, clients, and networking connections to fulfill their dreams.
Manifesting Abundance or Money
Venus is famously referred to as the planet of love. However, many forget Venus' powers extend beyond romance and relationships. The planet of charm rules over all things desirable, including increased resources, possessions, and money. Therefore, as Venus is at home in Libra, this is a great moment to call in more of what you want materialistically.
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Attract New Love Manifesting Ritual
To attract new love, you can try this honey jar ritual. Be sure to perform the ritual during the dates that Venus transits Libra.
You'll need an empty jar, a lid, a piece of paper and pen, and honey. Write down all the traits you'd like to attract in a lover on a piece of paper. How do they look? What's their personality? Include things that are a no-brainer, such as being emotionally available and the like, as you want to get as literal as possible.
Then, place the paper at the bottom of the jar. Pour honey all over the paper, drowning it in sweetness. This will sweeten your sweetheart towards you. Then, seal the jar. You may add a tealight candle out of its casing if you so choose, allowing the wax to drip down the lid and "seal the deal" for extra conviction.
Heal a Broken Heart Manifesting Ritual
Venus in Libra is a perfect time to heal a broken heart. As the planet of love is in charge, you can find rejuvenation in your spirit. You can entertain the idea of letting love in again, whether presently or in the future, under this cosmic event with intention.
This ritual is simple and requires no tools. All you need to do is state this affirmation: "I forgive myself, I forgive (the name of the person who hurt you), I set us both free." If you cannot bring yourself to forgive quite yet, you can replace "forgive" with "accept," acknowledging that it is what it is to move forward.
Repeat this affirmation for six days straight, six times in a row, as six is the number of Venus. To allow profound healing, observe the emotions that arise as you work through this process. You may dive deeper by journaling, pulling Tarot cards, or meditating after you state the affirmations to truly clear your heart, mind, and spirit's energy of the heartbreak.
Bless Your Relationship Manifesting Ritual
Manifesting under a Libra Venus transit is ideal for blessing a current relationship and welcoming more profound commitment and intimacy. You will need a pink candle, roses, or a flower. Set up a small space that feels sacred to you, including tokens of your love. You may incorporate a photo of your coupling, gifts, or objects that bring back positive memories.
Place the pink candle on your simple altar. As you light it, visualize scenes you wish to manifest into reality in your connection. Then, list six things you're grateful for in your lover, the number of Venus. Finally, sprinkle the petals of the flowers or roses around the candle, locking in the energy of Venus.
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