I have so many wonderful memories of Milwaukee. I hope RNC guests spend here. | Letters

As a high school graduate in 1951 — from a small town in Northern Wisconsin with no possibility of employment — I came to Milwaukee four days after graduation, by train, of course.

A lot has happened since 1951. I have lived in Denver and Chicago, among other places, and done a lot of traveling around this beautiful country. But as a young lady I fell in love with Milwaukee.

Bradford Beach was a favorite, plus the Mitchell Park Domes, the Milwaukee Public Museum and the State Fair. One of my first jobs was a waitress at the Chicago & Northwestern train depot. The gorgeous art museum was built where the train tracks used to be.

How dare anyone say Milwaukee is a "horrible" place (“Trump: Milwaukee ‘horrible,’” May 14).

Trump called Milwaukee 'horrible.' What a dig at those preparing for RNC.

He's got a point: You don't have to like Trump to see 'horrible' view supported by sad facts

I hope the attendees of the Republican National Convention spend a lot of money in Milwaukee to help the city pay expenses, which will incur during the convention. Oh, so many wonderful memories. I wished I still lived in the Milwaukee area.

Sylvia Curran, Oshkosh

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: I fell in love with Milwaukee as young adult starting out in the city