‘By March, we’ll have lost 60 concerts’: the young orchestra fighting against lockdown ruin
No doubt about it: the musical institutions that are nifty on their feet are surviving the pandemic best. While big lumbering beasts like the Southbank Centre stagger under the burden of vast fixed costs, the freelance ensembles and orchestras that can adapt overnight to new circumstances, and hire their performing talent only when it’s needed, are doing better.
Among these, none is nimbler than the Aurora Orchestra. It came into being 16 years ago when a bunch of Cambridge University musicians thought it would be fun to keep playing together after they’d graduated, and so formed an orchestra. Since then they’ve gleefully torn up the orchestral concert rule-book. They’ve played Prom concerts from memory, they’ve performed with magicians and actors, they’ve perambulated round the concert platform while playing. They’ve even performed in total darkness.
John Harte, their chief executive, remembers the first lockdown came at a difficult moment. “We were poised to do two big touring projects back-to-back, the first taking Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, played from memory, to a number of European venues, the second an even bigger project around Beethoven's Eroica Symphony, with complicated theatrical elements.
“All that was cancelled, which was a big blow to us – we earn a big proportion of our income, around 65 per cent, we have a small cushion of Arts Council subsidy to fall back on compared to other orchestras. Also we lost the special orchestral tax relief on all the money we’d spent setting up the tours.”
What was the damage? “Huge. We had an obligation to protect our players, so we paid them a proportion of the fees. Within a couple of months we’d burned through reserves of around £100,000, and eventually were in the red by about £40,000.” Since then the losses have just piled up. “By March 2021, we will have lost about 60 concerts,” says Harte. “That includes big-scale events at the Southbank, down to small-scale and educational events.
“Altogether we’ve lost about £800,000 of earned income. We’ve made use of the Government’s furlough scheme, but even so, we’ve had to make three members of staff redundant, so we’re down to just four.”
The second lockdown means the brief window for live concerts that opened in September and October has slammed firmly shut. But the effect on the Aurora Orchestra has not been disastrous, because its plans to explore other ways to keep in contact with its audiences and deliver its ever-expanding educational programme were already well advanced. Those have been the responsibility of Jane Mitchell, the orchestra’s creative director, who says that the lockdown has actually provided a moment of calm to explore new possibilities.
“I've really got stuck into developing the orchestra’s digital resources and a whole series of educational films for children, working in partnership with a film company,” she says. “I’ve always had a secret desire to run a film company, and I’ve sort of managed it!
“I’m still working on these films now, because fortunately we’re allowed to continue filming during the second lockdown. So we have an enormous project for schools set up and ready to go in November.”
Concerts, too, have moved online. “We’ve been helped enormously by striking a deal with the BBC to release the archive of our past Proms performances. This became the core of our new digital content. We had about 1 million hits over a few months, which drove a huge number of small donations through our website, ranging from £20 up to £3,500. All this happened without a fundraising campaign, which is something we may well do next year.”
One thing the pandemic has revealed is the importance of having good partnerships. “We’ve benefited from working with film companies, because they have all the necessary gear and expertise,” says Harte, “and our partnership with Kings Place has been invaluable.
“They gave us a 50 per cent discount on our office rental, and of course they have the technical wherewithal to stream our concerts live from the hall. And it works both ways, of course. Kings Place has been able to rely on performing organisations like ours to provide content.”
Another source of support has been the Government’s various emergency funds for the arts, which have supported the orchestra to the tune of £260,000. “This means we can go forward into what will surely be another challenging period in 2021 on a much more solid basis,” says Harte, “so I’m far more optimistic now than I was during the first lockdown.”
Mitchell agrees, and adds: “My big hope is that when we emerge from lockdown we can benefit from the experience it’s given us. We can have a hybrid program of live digital events that overall will reach more people in more places, and we can use the digital platform to enrich the content of our live events.
“Ultimately, we should be able to have the best of both worlds.”
The Aurora Orchestra’s next live-streamed concert is on December 12 at Kings Place. Info: auroraorchestra.com
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