How Mars in Virgo Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Your cosmic reality check is right on time. Mars enters Virgo on July 10 and wants you to make some decisions. Mars leaves indulgent and pleasure-seeking Leo (where it’s been since May 20); there’s a chance you’ve been left with quite a mess to clean up. Get ready to work harder than you have all year from July 10 to August 27, 2023. Mars in Virgo is here to help you honestly evaluate the current state of your life and give you the tools to deal with things. It’s time to find more productive outlets for your energy.

There’s a chance you’re reeling from some forgotten responsibilities. Don’t be embarrassed by your half-finished to-do list or neglected wellness routine–it’s all part of the process. Instead, spend the next two months allowing Mars in Virgo to shift your priorities toward more sustainable, sensible habits. Mars is the planet of action, drive, motivation, passion, and determination: and when Mars spends time in an earth sign like Virgo, it’s a good time to take small steps towards a big accomplishment.

Keep reading to see what Mars in Virgo has in store for your zodiac sign, plus tips for taking meaningful action toward manifesting your dreams, goals, and desires.

Mars in Virgo 2023, Explained

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Every two months, Mars enters the territory of a new zodiac sign and changes the cosmic energy for everyone. Mars is responsible for things that exist in the physical realm and governs your confidence, passion, persistence, and competitive nature. When Mars enters Virgo on July 10, expect to see small but meaningful changes in your day-to-day life. This is a great time to make some decisive choices and new strategies for success. Just be sure not to spin your wheels so hard that you burn out.

This transit will feel especially tense and frustrating at times, thanks to Mars and Saturn squaring off on July 20. This power struggle will be a continued theme throughout Mars in Virgo: highlighting issues with authority figures. Ego conflicts and petty social games will try to tempt you into speaking out of anger–but you’ll want to resist taking the low road. It’s not worth the smoke and fire that will inevitably spark, and you’ll come out looking better if you just bite your tongue for a bit. Keep note of what’s said to bring up later, and you’re better off letting others lose their cool without retaliating.

Venus Retrograde in Leo will light up the sky on July 22 and remain there for the entirety of Mars's transit through Virgo. When Mars and Venus come together this summer, you’re likely to feel more focused on areas of self-love, relationships, and money. This is an ideal time to stop frivolous spending and start putting your money to work for you. Take another look at your budget and find ways you can enjoy your freedom without spending too much. Mars in Virgo is also your chance to redefine the terms and conditions of your relationships. Healthy boundaries and open communication will help bring you closer to securing what you want.

READ MORE: Embrace the Taboo: What Your Lilith Sign Says About Your Personality.

Luckily, Jupiter in Taurus aligns with Mars in Virgo on August 1, bringing refreshing and supportive energy with it. Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion, and this aspect will give you the opportunity to take fortunate action in the right direction. Anything you direct your energy toward during this time is sure to see success–and old projects that have been months in the making might see unexpected results or growth during this time. Excitement is in the air during this time, but try not to rush to the finish line if you can help it. Jupiter in Taurus will help remind you that it’s perfectly alright to take the scenic route.

Expect to be challenged by forces outside your control when Mars and Uranus connect on August 16. Uranus is the planet of desired change, innovation, and non-conformity. This cosmic connection will feel like a huge chip on your shoulder: and there’s a lot of fluidity in how you assert yourself during this time. You'll feel ready to fight the powers that be and challenge the status quo. There’s a lot of temptation to throw convention out the door: and the dreamy aura energy of Uranus wants you to exert your individuality and challenge existing limitations.

You can expect one final challenge at the end of August when Mars in Virgo links up with Mercury retrograde on August 23. Mercury is the planet of communication–and Mercury retrograde is infamous for causing miscommunication. The good news is these trouble-makers will only spend a few days together in this cloud of confusion before Mars enters Libra on August 27. Don’t suppress whatever feelings come up during this time; they’ll only come back later with more power. Instead, take the time to figure out which aspects of your personality you feel aren’t being appreciated.

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How Mars in Virgo Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

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Mars in Virgo will be felt the most directly by mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces): with Virgo and Pisces seeing the most substantial changes. With Mars and Saturn in mutable signs during this transit–you may struggle with motivating yourself to do the work that needs to be done. A lot of this struggle will come from internal doubts and old fears of failure. Release your inhibitions and remind yourself that it doesn’t have to be perfect the first time. Or the second. It just needs to get done.

Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will also be feeling the heat during this time. Venus will be taking a dramatic detour through the sign of Leo for the rest of the summer, and this will cause some friction with practical and problem-solving Mars in Virgo. When Mars and Venus are at odds with each other – it’s a sign of seeking out balance. You’re going to be having some tough conversations about what makes you feel empowered. Rather than retreat back into your usual vices–try to reframe your idea of success to reflect your new personal values and desired lifestyle.

Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) should focus on whatever comes most naturally. Mars is about facing things head-on, and Mars in Virgo is symbolized by consistency and commitment to your craft. You’re being guided to trust your emotional instincts, which can be very powerful if channeled positively over the next two months. Mars in Virgo is your chance to step back and observe for a moment. Prioritize your peace and retreat into your creative outlets and projects during this time, especially art, cooking, gardening, home renovations, reading, writing, and mindfulness practices.

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