Meet the archeologists digging up Time Team for a new generation
The camera pans across a muddy field. A beleaguered group of anoraks gesture furiously at a lumpy square of earth. “Have you actually found anything?” hollers Tony Robinson, over a screeching gale, as the sky darkens and a torrential downpour begins. If this sounds familiar, you were probably once a fan of Time Team.
The cult archaeology show, which from 1994 to 2014 was a fixture of Sunday afternoons on Channel 4, involved the group of archaeologists taking on a new three-day dig somewhere in the UK each episode, with valiant hopes of uncovering fantastic historical artifacts.
While the Team more often produced a fragment of earthenware pot than a Viking hoard, the show has been credited with stoking renewed interest in archaeology nationwide. “I still get a lot of people coming up to me at conferences to say they got into archaeology because of Time Team,” says Carenza Lewis, who is currently Professorial Chair of Public Understanding of Research at the University of Lincoln, and an original member of the Team.
Now, thanks to crowdfunding, YouTube, and the enthusiasm of its creators, Time Team is being dug up. Two brand new episodes of the show will begin filming this year, following a successful funding campaign on the fan-led site Patreon. The idea began to take shape when the show’s YouTube channel, Time Team Classics, became a sleeper lockdown hit. “Something like five million people have been watching over the last four months, which is approximately 80,000 people a day, across 41 countries,” says Tim Taylor, the show’s creator and original producer, as well as the driving force behind its return. “I was getting emails from people in Estonia.”
The project gained steam after Taylor ran into Lewis and some other members of the original Team by chance at British Council of Archaeology event at the British Museum 18 months ago. Lewis was chairing a talk when she received a question from the audience: “I suddenly realised it was Tim, who I hadn’t seen for 15 years, We went and sat in the courtyard outside in the hot sun, and had a cup of tea and an ice cream, all very rock n’ roll you know. Things have just taken off from there.”
“It’s a bit like getting the band back together,” says Taylor. “It’s quite a family, we all know each other quite well. We’ve done a lot of sites where we’ve struggled through difficult wind, difficult weather, difficult digs, and all the rest of it.” Apart from Taylor and Lewis, archaeologists Stewart Ainsworth and Helen Geake and geophysicist John Gater will all return, but they’re minus Robinson, although he does remain an honorary patron. They’re currently on the hunt for a new presenter: “We want someone who will ask the difficult questions,” says Taylor. “While the archaeologists have got their nose in the trenches, Tony was very good at saying, ‘well, you know, you’ve been digging for a day, and you just found this rather muddy bit of pottery, what’s so exciting about that?”
Suggestions from fans so far include Daniel Radcliffe, Sandy Toksvig, Frank Skinner, Bill Bailey, and Al Murray, but Taylor remains tightlipped. “We’re in the process of looking at our shortlist, but there’s nobody specific as yet. But we’ve had quite a few people who I personally think would do a fantastic job.”
He’s excited to bring the show to a new generation, who are already enjoying its internet archives. The viewers they are hoping to reach are “certainly younger than me” says Taylor. “We’re approaching the audience that naturally goes to YouTube, so that’s probably a newer generation of people coming in.” Lewis, who regularly receives emails and tweets from Time Team fans, says many are in their “twenties, thirties, and forties.
“So certainly, if you’re in your twenties now, you wouldn’t have been watching early episodes of the show the first time around.” But she also thinks the internet resurgence is a product of original fan nostalgia. “I hear from people who say they used to watch it every Sunday, that it was a really important part of their childhood. We started Time Team 25 years ago, so some of them are well into midlife by now. People often say it really helped them through difficult times, they found it wonderfully escapist and loved it for that.”
The Patreon fund has so far raised enough to pay for at least two programmes “alarmingly enough”, chuckles Taylor. So how did they decide where to dig? “A lot of friends that we used to work with are now in university departments and they often have a site that they think ‘Well I always wanted to know what was under that particular hill’ or ‘Somebody did a bit of work here back in the day, let’s get the team into it.”
“Ever since the news broke that Time Team is back, I’ve had people Tweeting me saying, ‘Come and have a look at our Roman Villa or our medieval castle here,” says Lewis. “The great thing about Britain is that it has so much archaeology. And you know we’re not necessarily confined to Britain.”
They will begin on the Broughton Estate in Oxfordshire, which is believed to be the site of a Roman villa roughly the size of Buckingham Palace. It was discovered by local historian and metal detectorist Keith Westcott after years of research, and could prove one of the biggest villas uncovered in recent times. Lewis is buzzing with the questions: “Why was it built in that location? Is it just that it’s in a scenic spot, as many Roman villas are? Or was there something there before? What date was it built? Is it really early on in the Roman period or is it in the heyday? Why did it cease? It’s just an empty field now. What happened?”
After three days at Broughton, the Team will head to West Cornwall for the second episode, to work on an Iron Age settlement with mysterious underground chambers known as fougou. “We’re going to really puzzle them out” says Lewis.
Back in the day, it sometimes felt like Time Team was more adept at “puzzling” than discovering, but both Lewis and Taylor are excited for what impact the technological innovations of the past decade could have on the show’s ambitions. There’s lidar, a flying scanner that can penetrate vegetation to produce high quality images of the land below. “You might have a hill with a forest over the top, and suddenly see it’s an Iron Age hill fort” explains Taylor. “It’s like taking slices through the ground.”
“Steward used to do these humps and bumps surveys, painstakingly walking across the ground, and now you can do them nanoseconds almost from the air, then get a fly-around 3D model as well” says Lewis. “Those sort of scientific techniques have just completely transformed the number of secrets that we’re unearthing.” The Team are also hoping to make the 3D data accessible to viewers, so they can “fly around” the site from home, with the aid of VR goggles.
Matters of accessibility are at the forefront of the show’s return. “We’ve always liked to see that Time Team represents the current community,” says Taylor, pointing to original regulars like archeologist and TV presenter Raksha Dave. “It was natural to have that kind of diversity in the team, because those were the people we work with, those were the people we knew.”
Lewis has a slightly different recollection of the show’s diversity record. “For a long time, I was the only woman who was involved on it significantly,” she says. “That certainly improved over the years. I think we were much more aware and much more representative than plenty of other bits of television and some other bits of the archaeological profession as well.” In the university sector, for example, she says representation is still a problem. “Once you get to the upper levels, the gender division is not as equal as it should be, and that’s just gender. I think there’s a lot of goodwill but the problem is you’ve got people who build up expertise over a lifetime and so it takes a long time to ensure that you can make that change visible.”
She thinks modern communications technology will enable the reincarnation of Time Team to reach a wider audience – as Taylor points out, it’s currently being enjoyed in 41 countries. And one thing that always struck Lewis about the show is that “it had a really wide social reach. Whereas the traditional archaeological broadcasting, such as it was, of the Fifties, Sixties, and Seventies tended to be quite elite, Time Team was much more across the board. Because you don’t have to be educated with an archaeology degree to be able to think, ‘Here’s a burial. What does it mean?’”
Both Taylor and Lewis think post-pandemic Britain offers the perfect moment for the return of the show. The arrival on Netflix last month of Bafta-nominated The Dig – a dramatisation of the famous excavation of an Anglo-Saxon burial chamber at Sutton Hoo, in Suffolk, in 1939 – has already stirred an interest in archaeology in the minds of many locked-down film fans.
“Covid has probably made us think about what’s under our noses and what’s in the landscape around us” says Taylor. “The process of being in a trench, connected with the earth… I’m a bit reluctant to say that there are aspects of mindfulness to archaeology, but the process of it is very soothing.”
In a strange piece of serendipity (or testament to the continuing domination of British acting by the upper classes), the Broughton Estate where Time Team will be digging is owned by Martin Fiennes, cousin of British actor Ralph Fiennes, who stars in The Dig as Basil Brown, the pioneering local archaeologist who made the discoveries at Sutton Hoo. “It’s almost like that site was meant to be,” says Lewis.
Taylor quotes the diary of Peggy Piggott, the only female archaeologist to work on Sutton Hoo, to explain the enduring appeal of Time Team to its fans. “So much of life just flits by and with so little to show for it. I suppose I wanted to make sense of what does endure” she wrote.
Lewis agrees, pointing to her current research into the benefits of archeology for mental health. “It’s that sense of continuity, it’s the reassurance it offers that there are real roots to our lives, that we haven’t just appeared from nowhere. It’s that sense of stability and of being part of a bigger picture. And also because archeology produces such good stories, and we all like a good story.”
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