Meet Meeka, the student support dog at North Godwin Elementary
WYOMING, Mich. (WOOD) — North Godwin Elementary has a new staff member who’s friends with everybody.
She’s only been there for a couple of months, but she’s already making a huge difference.
“At first we didn’t know what to expect.” said Steve Minard, principal at North Godwin.
But it didn’t take long for staff and students at the school to realize Meeka belongs there.
“Meeka is always there, cheering people up,” said 5th grader Adaline Whittington.
“You see a difference in their smiles, it’s really cool, it’s been a nice change, and she’s brought some new energy to the school,” Minard said.
The one-year-old Goldendoodle is from Priority Pups, a program created by Priority Health along with Canines for Change.
Meeka’s job is to support 385 students. That means she gives a lot of hugs.
“When her soft skin, her fur feels good on my body,” said 5th grade student Drew Hill.
She lends a listening ear.
“If people are upset, they come to Meeka, because they feel safe around her. They can talk to her about anything,” said Whittington.
Or she just sits there with you to raise your spirits.
“She’s just relaxing to be around, just want someone to sit with, so relaxing and calm,” said Whittington.
And she’s OK with those belly rubs in return. When asked if Meeka was making a difference, students replied, “Yeah, a big difference. Yes, a big difference.”
Principal Steve Minard agrees. He knows what many of his students are going through.
“We have kids that have experienced trauma, anxiety, they have stress, a variety of things that can get in the way of learning,” he said.
But in the two months Meeka has been at school, he has seen real change.
“There’s been a couple of kids that struggled with attendance a little bit because of what’s gone on in their life. They look forward to seeing Meeka, it’s given them more of a purpose to come to school,” said Minard.
And it gives Whittington someone to turn to.
“I know I can trust Meeka and stuff because she’s a dog she can’t tell anybody. I can trust a person too, I can trust her more, because she makes me feel safe,” she said.
Meeka is the second Priority Pup in the state — the other is in Muskegon.
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